What are Different Writing Styles?
The style of your writing can make or break a reader’s experience. Different writing styles can be used for different purposes. The purpose of your writing will usually determine the best style to use. For example, a persuasive essay needs to be written in a way that makes it easy for readers to understand and accept your points. A narrative or descriptive piece of writing should be interesting and engaging.
Persuasive Writing
Persuasive writing is any type of text that aims to convince readers about a particular issue or action by providing reasons for doing so. The goal of persuasive writing is not only for the writer’s message to be understood but also for it to be accepted by his/her audience.
Persuasive writing should be distinguished from informative writing, which provides factual information but does not attempt to persuade.
- Letters of recommendation
- cover letters
- Editorial newspaper articles
Narrative Writing
Narrative writing is a type of nonfiction literature in which the writer describes events in chronological order. It is often used to tell stories or describe events that happened in the past or fictional ones that could have happened but didn’t actually take place in real life.
Narrative pieces often have a plot and characters who change over time as the story progresses through different stages until reaching its conclusion.
For example, you might write about yourself as you grow up from childhood into adulthood, or you might write about an imaginary character who travels through time from one historical period to another.
- Short stories
- historical writing
- novels
Expository Writing
Expository writing is the kind of writing you do to explain things. It can be a description of a process, an explanation of how something works, or an account of a historical event. The purpose is to inform readers by making them understand things they didn’t know before.
When you write expository text, you need to use clear language and descriptive details so the reader can understand what you’re saying. You also need to provide evidence that supports your point so readers will trust your argument or opinion.
- How to articles
- textbooks
- news stories
- business or scientific writing
Descriptive Writing
Descriptive writing is writing that lets readers experience a subject or environment through the writer’s words. It evokes feelings, creates mental images and leaves a lasting impression on readers. Although its primary purpose is to describe, it can also include stories, narratives and poetry.
Descriptive writing differs from other forms of writing in that it focuses on sensory details, rather than the plot or story line. Descriptive writing takes time and effort to produce because it requires the writer to carefully select words that capture the essence of his subject matter. To write an effective descriptive passage, you need to be able to conjure up mental images of your subject in your reader’s mind without being overly wordy or overly vague.
The purpose of descriptive writing is to paint a picture with words
- Poetry
- fictional novels or plays
- memoirs

Which style of writing is best used when writing a report?
When writing reports, you have to keep in mind that they are not the same as essays or term papers. A report is a formal document and needs to be written in a professional tone.
In order to write a report, you need to make sure that it follows the appropriate format and style. There are several different styles of writing but some are more commonly used than others. If you want to write a good report, it would be best to use one of these styles:
The APA style guide is used by many writers today because it is easy to understand and very flexible. While there are other styles, such as MLA and Chicago Manual of Style, this one is used more often than any other because it allows for more flexibility when citing sources and creating bibliographies. The APA style guide is also used by many researchers because it allows them to cite their sources in an accurate manner while making sure that their ideas are properly cited within their papers.
When did reporters begin using the writing style known as the inverted pyramid?
The inverted pyramid style is used because it makes it easier for readers to understand complicated stories without having to read everything from start to finish. The technique also helps journalists keep their stories concise and easy-to-read, especially when they have only a limited amount of time to write them.
How to write in a literary style?
A literary style is used to create an emotional response in a reader by using words and phrases that evoke images and feelings. This style is often used in poetry, but it can also be used in short stories and novels.
A literary style uses a lot of figurative language, which includes metaphors, similes, personification and hyperbole. These types of figures of speech are often called tropes because they are considered to be extended metaphors that go beyond what would be normal to say or do in real life.
The following are some examples of tropes:
Hyperbole – the use of exaggeration for effect (e.g., “I’ve got a ton of work to do tonight.”)
Metaphor – the substitution of one thing for another (e.g., “He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.”)
Simile – the comparison of two unlike things using like or as (e.g., “Her voice was like honey.”)
Personification – giving human qualities to an object or abstract idea (e.g., “The wind ran through his hair.)
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