Sentences with Because Conjunction (50 Examples)
Because conjunction is used before a noun or pronoun to indicate the reason for something. The conjunction is commonly used in formal writing, but it…
Because conjunction is used before a noun or pronoun to indicate the reason for something. The conjunction is commonly used in formal writing, but it…
In English, conjunctions are a part of speech that connect words and group words/clauses together. For example: “My phone got wet but it still works.”…
Although is used as a subordinating conjunction and usually interrupts the flow of the main clause. Here are 87 example sentences with although conjunction. Read…
A semicolon is a punctuation mark used to separate two closely related clauses without using a coordinating conjunction. Here are 50 example sentences with semicolons….
What are Parts of Speech? Parts of speech are the building blocks or components of a sentence. All words belong to one part of speech…
Interpersonal skills are a range of behaviors that help us get along with other people. these include communication skills, problem-solving skills, and social skills. here’s…
Interpersonal Skills are the way you interact with others- understanding their needs, motivations, and emotions while still respecting your own boundaries. The best way for…
Interpersonal skills are the ability to work with other people in order to manage conflict, solve problems, and create solutions. These skills are vital for…
Birds are a part of the animal kingdom and have existed for over 150 million years. They come in all shapes and sizes, from tiny…
If someone has hurt you or made you feel bad about yourself, there are other ways to handle it than simply fighting back. Remember that…