Sentences About Christmas Tree (50 Examples)
“Oh, Christmas Tree, oh Christmas tree, how beautiful your branches are”. This is a line of a song we sang when I was still a child, singing a Christmas carol in our church. A Christmas tree which is ornamented with colored artificial glittering leaves, balls, stars, and miniature, and multiple colored lights is the center of the feast of the season. But where did this tradition originate?
For a thousand years ago, Evergreen trees and plants were used to celebrate the winter festivals long before the beginning of Christianity. Pagans in Europe cut and used branches of evergreen fir trees to adorn their houses to brighten and give spark to their spirits during the winter feast. “The concept of bringing the evergreen fig branch into the household symbolizes fertility, fruitfulness, and new life in the dusk of winter.
In addition, the ideas of the mistletoe, the holly, and the ivy were the few flowering plants during winter, which represents hope and thus holds a special significance. These concepts and ideas were put into practice and became a tradition that also influence the world.
Examples of a Sentence using Christmas Tree
- I decorated my Christmas tree with colorful Christmas balls.
- How happy are the kids piling their gift boxes under the five feet tall Christmas tree.
- John brought home a tall, white and elegant Christmas tree in our house.
- These Christmas trees were adorn with colorful sparkling lights.
- I used to take a photo of the Christmas tree each year since year 2000 up to the present.
- My mom hung the star on the top of the Christmas tree.
- They came to see the new Christmas tree I made out of dried branches of a guava tree.
- There will be a contest of the best Christmas tree in the city.
- With the different ornaments hung around the Christmas tree, Children felt so happy and excited.
- While my dad is driving the car, we stop to see a big Christmas tree at the center of city.
- The student decorated their Christmas tree with snowflakes in big and tiny sizes.
- We took a family photo beside the Christmas tree.
- You can buy a Christmas tree, with various choices of colors, at the mall.
- My father cut a tree and make an innovation of a Christmas tree to be placed in our front yard.
- This Christmas tree is good inside my room. It gives beauty to the place.
- More factories are making plastics and artificial Christmas trees and have it sold to mall
- A tall, white and perfectly formed, well decorated Christmas tree stood right beside the stair.
- Hundreds of books were piled to build a 3 feet tall image of Christmas tree in our library.
- She laughs at the shadow of her skirt forming a shade of Christmas tree.
- Using only a recycle styro cup, colored with green paint and spreading a silver glitters makes a fabulous Christmas tree.
- Those who are really creative can make an amazing Christmas tree out of rubies and junk materials.
- Using fishing nets, the group of students made a unique kind of Christmas tree and placed it inside their classroom.
- I placed a miniature of a Christmas tree in my office table, just to remind me of the season.
- Looking at the beauty and elegance of that Christmas tree helps me forget all the bundle stress in my life.
- The children yelled with joy when they saw all the gifts wrapped in different colors underneath the Christmas tree.
- The baby was attracted by the glittering Christmas balls hung in the Christmas tree.
- How much did you pay for that Christmas tree?
- I just don’t believe the concept of Christmas tree since it was believed to be a pagan practice.
- My aunt baked a cake with a shape of a Christmas tree.
- Those pine trees really looks like a Christmas tree.
- Grandma used to hang a Christmas tree décor pinned in the front door.
- The first Christmas tree was developed in Germany.
- You can have an artificial Christmas tree. It is reusable and cheaper than natural one.
- Ana’s Christmas tree has many branches and each branch were ornamented with mini figurines, balls, danglings etc.
- We played hide and seek and didn’t notice you were hiding behind the Christmas tree.
- Tonight the in charge of the contest will announce who is the winner of the best Christmas tree of the year.
- Wow! This is the most wonderful Christmas tree I ever saw.
- Don’t you dare pick one of the gift box under that Christmas tree, until it is Christmas eve.
- The university placed a giant Christmas tree at the center of the lobby.
- The wind blew strongly that made that Christmas tree dropped on the floor.
- My grandfather finds it funny looking at us searching for a hidden gift he hid in the Christmas tree.
- That cute cupid with his bow and arrow is hanging on that giant Christmas tree.
- I am always saddened by lines of the song which says “When I was small and Christmas trees are tall, we used to laugh while others use to play”, for it always reminds me of my childhood friend who passed away.
- The baby and her sister are playing beside the Christmas tree.
- According to the history, the origin of “Christmas tree” came from a pagan belief.
- I couldn’t believe that I have seen the most beautiful Christmas tree in the world.
- Children were asked by their teacher to draw a Christmas tree and color it.
- We opened all the gifts that we received beside the big Christmas tree.
- Their Christmas tree reaches up to their ceiling.
- After the Christmas we used to keep our Christmas tree for the next season.

With its concept, embraced by people globally, putting a Christmas tree in houses, malls schools and any halls became a practice. Christmas can never be complete without the Christmas trees around. This delighted the children, young and old for the spirit of Christmas it conveys. Though it originated from pagan customs and practices it was accepted in the Christian world.