47 Example Sentences with BETWEEN
Sentences with Between
- Between Jim and I, there’s nothing.
- This one is mine; between you and me, it’s nothing special.
- The meeting will last for about half an hour, but the exact time is between you and your boss.
- Most of his working hours are spent at his office in between teaching sessions.
- Between Chicago and New York, it is a 10-hour drive.
- There were two people between them in line at the grocery store.
- There will be snow in my town every day between January and February.
- Fighting was going on three days before the actual invasion took place between the 12th and 13th of October.
- There are many things between Texas and Florida.
- Travelers must know all the dangers between them and their destination, including hostile tribes and criminal groups.
- I gave a presentation to a fifth-grader class on living organisms that occur between the oceans and the shoreline.
- America is located between two great mountain ranges — the Rockies in the west and the Appalachians in the east.
- The train is running between two towns.
- The hosts were seated between two guests of honor.
- There was a fifty-dollar fine for talking on the phone while driving between these two states.
- You can only travel at a speed of thirty kilometers per hour between these two towns.
- The marketing team will review the work between the US and Europe.
- The contract was finally signed between the two parties.
- The quality of education in our school is creditably due to the dynamic leadership of the headmaster between 2006 and 2007.
- The conflict is believed to arise between transnational terrorism and local nationalism.
- There’s a huge difference between knowing something and doing something.
- We want you to collaborate. The site is planned to open by the end of 2026, between the two companies mentioned.
- It takes about 15 minutes to mix a shopping cart’s worth of cement between the CEO and marketing director in this effort to improve sales performance.
- Most of the world’s languages distinguish between masculine and feminine nouns.
- They were standing between cars in the parking lot when a man suddenly appeared with a gun.
- She stood between the strange man and her baby.
- A good leader has to choose wisely between loyal employees and fair promotions.
- My boss is the person between us in the meeting today.
- Most islands are isolated, so they have unique species that have developed between them and their mainland.
- I stood between her and the door.
- The customers arrived between 10 pm and 11 pm.
- Spain lies between France and Portugal.
- You were sitting between my brother and me.
- You’re now between medium and large size.
- Choose an appropriate learning system between memorizing and rote learning.
- Emphasize the importance of teamwork between you and your colleagues.
- Reward employees that score highly between you and a manager.
- Work closely with your supplier between you and the client.
- Compare the prices between online shopping sites.
- The search for a cure for AIDS has been ongoing since 1984 between the government and academic researchers.
- Lady Gaga is surrounded by haters who disagree with their 12-year-old daughter wearing a meat bikini between her ears.
- Develop the skills to navigate between the available sales channels and selling opportunities
- One of your jobs is to shift parts of your brain back and forth between these two tasks.
- the software helps build trust between the customer and the seller.
- They live in a big house between the mountain and the sea.
- There was a box between the two people.
- Between you and me, this is going to cost you a lot of money.

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