30 Idioms about Money and Finance (with Meaning)
If you want to talk about money, you need to know how to use idioms about money. Idioms are expressions that have a meaning different from their literal meaning. Here are some common examples.
Idioms about Money and Finance
1. Money doesn’t grow on trees
People can’t just have money whenever they want or need it. This idiom is used to teach children that money is something that needs to be earned and saved.
2. A penny saved is a penny earned
This means that even small amounts of money can add up over time if they are saved instead of spent.
3. That’ll cost you an arm and a leg
This idiom is used to describe how expensive something is.
4. Rolling in dough
This person has a lot of money and is very wealthy.
5. A big spender
This person likes to spend a lot of money, often more than he has.
6. I’m watching my pennies
I am being careful with my spending.
7. One’s tight with money
The person is careful with his spending and doesn’t like to waste money.
8. To be rolling in it
One has a lot of money.
9. That business is raking it in
They are making a lot of money from that business venture.
10. In the red
This means the person is losing money.
11. To be in the black
The person who in the black means he is making money.
12. She’s a golden girl
She is very lucky.
13. To have money to burn
very wealthy
14. Well-heeled
A person having a lot of money
15. Made of money
A very wealthy person.
16. Swimming in cash/money
A person having so much money that it is difficult to manage it all.
17. Worth one’s weight in gold
Extremely valuable or worth a lot of money
18. In for a penny, in for a pound
If you are going to do something anyway, you might as well do it thoroughly.
19. To bring home the bacon
To provide for one’s family financially.
20. Penny wise and pound foolish
This means too much attention to small expenses and not enough to large ones.
21. Penny dropped
This means someone finally understood something, usually after a long explanation or argument.
22. A penny for your thoughts
It is an invitation for someone to tell you what they are thinking about.
23. To put your money where your mouth
It means to prove that what you say is true by making a commitment based on your words.
24. To make a killing
To earn a lot of money quickly and easily or financially successful.
25. To be on the breadline
To be extremely poor; to have very little money.
26. Money talks
Money has a lot of influence – rich people can get whatever they want (often used humorously).
27. To have deep pockets
To be wealthy and able to spend a lot of money
28. To have money to burn
To have more money than one knows what to do with.
29. You can’t take it with you when you go
You must spend all your money while alive because there is no afterlife.
30. A fool and his money are soon parted
A fool doesn’t know what he’s doing with his money, so other people take advantage of him and get him to spend or give away his hard-earned cash.

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