Regular and Irregular Nouns (Rules, Examples, Lists & Worksheet)
Regular and Irregular Nouns
We can make some nouns plural easily without changing them but in some cases, nouns become irregular when we change them into plural form. Let’s discuss how nouns become plural and how to identify regular and irregular nouns.
We are going to learn today,
Regular Nouns
Definition & Examples
The regular nouns are made plural by addition of -s or -es at the end of noun. These are super easy to make plural and do not involve any complication.
Singular | Plural |
Bottle | Bottles |
Boss | Bosses |
Toy | Toys |
Chair | Chairs |
List of Regular Nouns
Singular | Plural |
Bat | Bats |
Ball | Balls |
Bag | Bags |
Boy | Boys |
Boat | Boats |
Bottle | Bottles |
Bracelet | Bracelets |
Brother | Brothers |
Car | Cars |
Cap | Caps |
Continent | Continents |
Day | Days |
Chair | Chairs |
Dream | Dreams |
Dog | Dogs |
Donkey | Donkeys |
Girl | Girls |
Hand | Hands |
House | Houses |
Key | Keys |
Mother | Mothers |
Ocean | Oceans |
Park | Parks |
Pen | Pens |
Phone | Phones |
Photograph | Photographs |
Piano | Pianos |
Ray | Rays |
River | Rivers |
Sister | Sisters |
State | States |
Table | Tables |
Tree | Trees |
Thought | Thoughts |
Toy | Toys |
Town | Towns |
Video | Videos |
Website | Websites |
Irregular Nouns
Definition & Examples
In some cases, we cannot make nouns plural by addition or -s or -es — rather spellings become different when making them plural. These are called irregular nouns.
Examples are
Singular | Plural |
Goose | Geese |
Man | Men |
Calf | Calves |
Mouse | Mice |
List of Irregular Nouns
Singular | Plural |
Addendum | Addenda |
Alga | Algae |
Alumna | Alumnae |
Alumnus | Alumni |
Analysis | Analyses |
Apex | Apices |
Appendix | Appendices |
Axis | Axes |
Bacterium | Bacteria |
Basis | Bases |
Butterfly | Butterflies |
Cactus | Cacti |
Caveman | Cavemen |
Cherry | Cherries |
Child | Children |
Codex | Codices |
Crisis | Crises |
Criterion | Criteria |
Curriculum | Curricula |
Datum | Data |
Deer | Deer |
Dwarf | Dwarves |
Elf | Elves |
Ellipsis | Ellipses |
Fish | Fish |
Fly | Flies |
Foot | Feet |
Formula | Formulae |
Fungus | Fungi |
Goose | Geese |
Half | Halves |
Hoof | Hooves |
Hypothesis | Hypotheses |
Index | Indices or indexes |
Leaf | Leaves |
Loaf | Loaves |
Locus | Loci |
Louse | Lice |
Man | Men |
Matrix | Matrices |
Medium | Media |
memorandum | Memoranda |
Moose | Moose |
Mouse | Mice |
Nappy | Nappies |
Nucleus | Nuclei |
Oasis | Oases |
Ox | Oxen |
Parenthesis | Parentheses |
Penny | Pennies |
Person | People |
Phenomenon | Phenomena |
Policeman | Policemen |
Poppy | Poppies |
Quiz | Quizzes |
Quiz | Quizzes |
Radius | Radii |
Scarf | Scarves |
Scissors | Scissors |
Self | Selves |
Series | Series |
Sheep | Sheep |
Shelf | Shelves |
Shrimp | Shrimp |
Sky | Skies |
Species | Species |
Swine | Swine |
Syllabus | Syllabi |
synopsis | Synopses |
Theory | Theories |
Thesis | Theses |
Thief | Thieves |
This | These |
Tooth | Teeth |
Try | Tries |
Wharf | Wharves |
Whiz | Whizzes |
Wife | Wives |
Wolf | Wolves |
Woman | Women |
Rules to Make Plural Nouns
Rule-1: If the noun ends in “-f” or “-fe”, we remove “-f” or “-fe” and add “-ves” to make them plural.
For examples,
- Loaf —> Loaves
- Leaf —> Leaves
- Hoof —> Hooves
- Life —> Lives
- Wife —> Wives
However, there are some exceptions like chief —> chiefs.
Rule-2: If the noun ends in “-um” or “-on”, we remove “-um” or “-on” and add “-a” at the end.
- Addendum —> Addenda
- Curriculum —> Curricula
- Medium —> Media
- Bacterium —> Bacteria
- Phenomenon —> Phenomena
Rule-3: If the noun ends in “-us”, we remove “-us” and adds “-i” to make it plural.
- Alumnus —> Alumni
- Cactus —> Cacti
- Fungus —> Fungi
- Syllabus —> Syllabi
Rule-4: If the noun ends in “-ix”, the ending is replaced with “-ices” or “ixes” to make it plural.
- Appendix —> Appendices or Appendixes
- Matrix —> Matrices or Matrixes
Rule-5: In some cases, the singular and plural of irregular nouns are same.
- Fish —> Fish
- Bison —> Bison
- Aircraft —> Aircraft
- Sheep —> Sheep
- Deer —> Deer
- Tuna —> Tuna
- Trout —> Trout
Rule-6: If the noun ends in “-is”, the end is changed into “-es” to make it plural.
- Axis —> Axes
- Oasis —> Oases
- Thesis —> Theses
- Crisis —> Crises
Rule-7: In case the noun ends in “-o”, we add “-s” or “-es” to make it plural.
- Taco —>Tacos
- Avocado —> Avocados
- Memo —> Memos
- Tomato —> Tomatoes
- Potato —> Potatoes
Worksheet / Quiz
Point out the regular and irregular nouns in the given sentences.
- There are two tables in my room. (regular / irregular)
- Bob’s teeth are white and shiny. (regular / irregular)
- The farmer was plowing the field with the help of oxen. (regular / irregular)
- Cacti are the plants that belong to the plant family Cactaceae. (regular / irregular)
- The factory is in technical and financial crises. (regular / irregular)
- Tom has a collection of different types of knives. (regular / irregular)
- The children are watching cartoons. (regular / irregular)
- He cut the cake into two halves. (regular / irregular)
- A pack of wolves was chasing the rabbit. (regular / irregular)
- I bought him a bouquet of flowers. (regular / irregular)
- She bought colorful balloons to decorate her room. (regular / irregular)
- Jacob soaked his feet for 15 minutes. (regular / irregular)
- The thieves broke into the house. (regular / irregular)
- Prawn and shrimp are types of seafood. (regular / irregular)
- There are more than a hundred houses in this colony. (regular / irregular)

- regular noun
- irregular noun
- irregular noun
- irregular noun
- irregular noun
- irregular noun
- irregular noun
- irregular noun
- irregular noun
- regular noun
- regular noun
- irregular noun
- irregular noun
- irregular noun
- regular noun
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