Sentences with Could Have, Couldn't & CouldPin

Sentences with Could Have, Couldn’t & Could

58 example sentences with could have, couldn’t and could.

Sentences with Could Have

  1. The rain could have ruined it.
  2. could have called you, but I didn’t.
  3. They were criticized for spending too much money on the new building, but they could have been more frugal with their money.
  4. The product could have been released earlier to take advantage of sales in the winter season.
  5. You could have told me you were busy. We wouldn’t have minded.
  6. could have made plans to see her at the office this week, but I didn’t have time.
  7. The meals were healthy, and I could have been a little more generous with the portions, but I was satisfied with the food.
  8. The entire team could have attended the meeting as you requested, but we’re all too busy now.
  9. When I was younger, I could have played professional baseball if I had practiced and taken it more seriously.
  10. My job could have been very stressful if my boss had been more demanding.
  11. The committee’s decision could have had major implications for the project but didn’t, so we are relieved.
  12. Several major errors were discovered after the launch, which could have led to disaster if they had not been fixed in time.
  13. The delegation could have been handled better.
  14. You could have told me about the problem sooner.
  15. You could have had a better result if you had used another tester.
  16. You could have met all the customers’ requirements if you had accepted them.
  17. You could have improved your productivity if you hadn’t been so stressed out.
  18. The data that comes with the models could have been better presented.
  19. The parts of the model could have been easier to understand.
  20. If you could have run faster, you would have won the race.
  21. The company could have quoted a lower price.
  22. We could have lost our money if my dad had not given us money.
  23. could have taken that promotion; however, I decided to take a few years off before accepting another position at the company.
  24. could have completed college, but I decided to explore other career options and missed out on the opportunity.
  25. We could have released it on time, but unfortunately, we didn’t

Sentences with Couldn’t (Could Not)

  1. They couldn’t afford their rent anymore.
  2. He couldn’t help but shoot her a glance.
  3. He could lift the fork to his lips but couldn’t carry on a conversation and had difficulty swallowing.
  4. couldn’t see him and heard the bell from across the street.
  5. You could not get into the car if you did not have a key.
  6. There are several causes for this, including family history-couldn’t your great-grandmother have had wolf pups?
  7. He couldn’t talk to the boss about his problem, so he started emailing her all day about it.
  8. If you could not read that text message a few minutes ago, I will try to send it again to you now, if possible.
  9. Why could not Pete come with us?
  10. couldn’t come to the phone because I was busy.
  11. couldn’t eat the pudding because it had too much sugar.
  12. couldn’t understand what the speaker was saying, so I asked for a video of the presentation.
  13. couldn’t believe that Tom had eaten the whole cake alone, his friends had just arrived, and he could have offered them some of it!
  14. You could not drive a stick as I did as a kid.
  15. He couldn’t swim much farther, or he’d drown.

Sentences with the word Could

  1. Could you tell me how to get there?
  2. She could feel her heart racing.
  3. He might not like it because he could be afraid of heights.
  4. She knows how to cook and could give you some tips if you want her to.
  5. Quit smoking could reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, and emphysema.
  6. Save on water could save you money on your water bill while helping the environment.
  7. Finding an apartment could be tough if you have a pet.
  8. You could use our service to store an extra memory stick.
  9. Could you send me the latest catalog?
  10. Could you please be sure to add to my order?
  11. When could you have this completed?
  12. Not only can a grill be used for cooking, but it could also be used for camping or roasting marshmallows around a fire pit.
  13. You could invest in a quality pair of shoes.
  14. If you could settle for a smaller house and fewer amenities, it would open up an area for others with bigger homes to move into.
  15. If you could choose the college or university for your children, would you?
  16. As a student, you could organize a food drive.
  17. You could collect canned goods and clothing to benefit the homeless.
  18. The manufacturing sector could experience Job loss due to increasing fuel costs..
Sentences with Could Have, Couldn't & CouldPin
Sentences with Could Have, Couldn’t & Could

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