Free Printable Pronoun Chart (12 Types)
Print out this pretty little graphic for free. Using this page, you can determine what the words in your sentences are referring to.
This is a pronoun chart with all the pronouns categorized and lined up. This chart is condensed and makes it easy to see each of the pronouns listed in alphabetical order. This could be used as a quick reference or as an introductory lesson to pronouns.
The chart below will help you identify your pronouns.
Pronouns are words that can be used instead of a noun or another pronoun. For example, when you want to say “he” or “she” without saying the person’s name, you can use he and she as pronouns. Here are some more examples of pronouns:
Sr.# | Pronoun Type | Definition | Example |
1 | Personal Pronoun | It is used in place of person’s name. | Tom is smart boy. He is also very intelligent. |
2 | Possessive Pronoun | Possessive pronouns shows the ownership in the sentence. | Your dress is not as beautiful as mine. |
3 | Interrogative Pronoun | Interrogative pronoun is used to ask questions. | Whom did they invite? |
4 | Relative Pronoun | Relative pronoun introduces a clause in the sentence. | I met a man who is my neighbor. |
5 | Distributive Pronoun | It denotes as to whether things are mentioned collectively of separately in a sentence. | Each of the students got a scholarship. |
6 | Demonstrative Pronoun | It demonstrates already mentioned noun in the sentence. | That is Tom’s book. |
7 | Reflexive Pronoun | Reflexive pronoun is made by adding ‘self’ or ‘selves’ to a personal pronoun. | He punished himself for his mistake. |
8 | Indefinite Pronoun | Indefinite pronoun refers to people or things without saying exactly who or what they are. | None of the three boys has got back his ticket. |
9 | Emphatic Pronoun | Emphatic pronouns are used to show stress and emphasis in a sentence. | We blame ourselves for the result of the election. |
10 | Exclamatory Pronoun | Exclamatory pronoun expresses wonder to surprise element in the sentence. | What a lovely picture is it! |
11 | Quantifier Pronoun | The quantifier pronoun shows the quantity of something. | There is much water in the pond. |
12 | Reciprocal Pronoun | Reciprocal pronoun used to talk about the mutual relationship. | We should cooperate with one another. |
Free Printable Pronoun Chart

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