Onomatopoeia Example Sentences (Words List a-z)
Reading and telling stories, writing a poem, reciting a verse choir, and more becomes realistic, fantastic, and enjoyable with the magic of the sounds. An object can be identified and described, also through the use of resonances. It gives life to the stories and meaning to a poem.
Onomatopoeia forms a word that designates a sound. Some common examples include boom, hiss, and moo! In this post, you will find example sentences and a list of words a-z.
Read also: Examples of Onomatopoeia in Literature
What is Onomatopoeia?
Onomatopoeia is one of the figures of speech that uses words to define sounds produce by any living or nonliving things that includes the sound created by people, environment, animals, mechanical, vocal, impacts sounds, and other lifeless objects. Onomatopoeia is the method of making a word that emulates, resembles, or imitates the sounds of objects. Usually, they are also called “sound words”.
Onomatopoeia can be found in languages all over the world, from Japanese to French to Swahili.
It’s not just a form of expression — it also helps people convey what things sound like without having to use any words for it.
Common Onomatopoeia
These include sounds that originated from the following:
Animal sounds:
Sounds like a roar, chirp-chirp, baa-baa, quack-quack, moo, howl, cock-adoodle- do, croak, ribbit, arf and oink are in this classification.
Mechanical sounds:
This classification includes words like vroom buzz, click, clang, ding-dong, twang, beep, boing, and tick-tock.
Vocal sounds:
Wail, snarl, hiccup, sneeze, snore, murmur, toot, and burp all fall into this classification.
Nature sounds:
Sounds that nature makes, like splish-splash, drip-drop, rustle, swish, whoosh, patter, and zap are in this classification.
Impact sounds:
In case something crashed into something else, it makes a sound such as a boom, bog, plop, clang, clank, smack, thump, or splat.
Cooking sounds:
In the kitchen, we produce some noise in cooking that may create sounds like fizz, pop, sizzle, and squish.
Onomatopoeia may also vary amongst vernaculars such example the sound of the clock differs on the way it is expressed. Tick-tock as it sounds in English sounds “di da” in mandarin, “katchin katchin” in Japanese, and “tik-tik” in Hindi.
Onomatopoeia in Poetry
Onomatopoeia is one of the literary device used in prose and poetry. This is a broader sense of using onomatopoeic words. It includes threads of words that is joined together which creates an associated sound effect. It usually, uses poetic devices such as alliteration and assonance, consonance.
Poetic Terms and Devices
Alliteration – is the duplication or repetition of the beginning or middle consonants in two or more adjacent words.
Example: “How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?”
Assonance – is the repetition of alike vowel resonances, going before and followed by diverse consonants.
Example: Surf and turf ( /u/ vowel sound were repeated)
No pain, no gain (/ai/ vowel sounds were repeated)
Consonance – is the repetition of the same consonant sounds with dissimilar vowel sounds in adjacent words.
Example: “Jeffery and Tiffany have tough phones”.
Ways to Use Onomatopoeia
Onomatopoeia helps intensify language outside the precise words. It creates a sensory effect to create mainly vivid imagery—it is as if you are the first person in the writing itself, hearing, seeing, and feeling what the speaker of the poem heard, see and feel.
Children’s literature – Onomatopoeia is particularly used in children’s books such as story books, riddles, and rhymes
Comic books – Onomatopiea are widely used in comic books to make the conversation effective and realistic to its reader. Sound effects written in speech bubbles like “kaboom!,” “bang!,” and “splash” are usually used to convey meaning to the readers.
Advertising – Onomatopiea such as “Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, Snap, Crackle, are written in advertisements like slogans
Onomatopoeia Sentences
- Thwack! ”The cane landed on Billy’s bare bottom.”
- Thump, thump! ”They watched the raindrops hitting the ground.”
- Plink plink plink plink! “The water dripped into the bucket.”
- ‘Tumbleweed’ a gust of wind streamed across the desert.
- “Pull! pull!” the person shouted.
- Gulp! Gulp! “Went the fish on his plate.”
- “Bang!” goes the gun on the door.
- They heard a loud boom.
- Swish-swish went the whips of the jockeys.
- Thwack–thwack–thwack went the shoes of the children on the pavement.
- Ping Ping! the girl made a ping pong.
- Biff bam! thank you mam.
- Clip Clop went the horse.
- Crick crack the bone broke.
- Snap Snap the fingers snapped.
- Pop Pop! The bubbles popped.
- Squeak Squeak the mouse ran under the bed skirt.
- Thud Thud! the door knocked on his head.
- A dog howled in the alleyway as I walked home from work.
- When I saw my brother’s new car, I clapped my hands and cheered so loudly that my neighbors rang to complain.
- When I poured boiling water into her mug, the liquid hissed loudly as it escaped from the metal spout.
- “Kaboom!” he shouted.
- He slammed the door so hard, the bang echoed through the building.
- My dog growled maliciously at the neighbor who had just given him a cookie.
- The girl’s voice cracked as she tried to use it for speech.
- My dog howls when I am leaving him alone.
- Hear the bell singing “ding dong, ding dong”.
- Sound the cymbal for the parade “clang”.
- I see you, toot your trumpet.
- The exciting part about playing instruments is that you can bang on the drums.
- I can hear the bees and buzzers buzz.
- Set your cellphone in silent mode so it will not beep during class.
- The cash register popped open with a ca-ching!.
- Laura had a sleepless night with the steady drip drop of water coming from the sink.
- My cat will keep meowing until I pet it.
- Mike was bothered by the bizarre moaning.
- The cow destructively mooed at the passing freight night train.
- Liza murmured her question to herself.
- While lounging in the slop pile, the pigs oinked excitedly.
- When the mouse saw the cheese it can help but squeak and peep excitedly.
- The little girl cried when her balloon pooped.
- Grandfather shared his bread with his quacking ducks.
- The cats are purring during nighttime.
- The car driver revved his car engine.
- We were disturbed by the ringing of the phone in the middle of the night.
- When the strong wind blew the leaves loudly rustled.
- The lion’s mighty roar is frightening.
- You could hear the clap echoing across the mountain.
- He made an abrupt break and his tires noisily screeched.
- The wipers of the bus go swish, swish with the drop of rain.
- He zipped up his traveling bag.
- Baggy, the thirsty dog slurped a lot of water.
- The earthquake rumbled the huge and high buildings of the city.
- The sound of the doorbell goes, ding-dong.
- The frog in the pond sound, ribbit, ribbit.
- I can hear the rooster sounds his cock-a doodle-do early in the morning.
- Christmas time is approaching, we can hear the ringing of the bell anywhere.
- The clock’s tick-tock made me upset.
- When you arrived home just honk your horn.
- You should try to drink a glass of water if you have hiccups.
- Splash! It sounded when Lita dive into the water.
- The snake that crawled inside the house, slithered and hissed.
- During midnight, the wolves loudly howled at the moon.
- The flag being raise up in the pole, freely flapped in wind.
- That noisy clanging of pots and pans awakes the baby from her sound sleep.

Onomatopoeia Words List a-z
Do you know that there are some words that sound like the sounds they represent? These types of words are called onomatopoeia. Here is the list of these types of words. The word “buzz” is an onomatopoeia for a buzzing noise, just as “grrr” is an onomatopoeia for someone growling or making a snarling sound. See the list of words from a-z.
- Achoo
- Ahem
- Ahhh
- Bang
- Beep
- Bizz
- Blurt
- Boing
- Boom
- Buzz
- Chomp
- Clank
- Clink
- Cluck
- Cough
- Crash
- Crinkle
- Crunch
- Cuckoo
- Drip
- Drizzle
- Eek
- Fizz
- Flutter
- Giggle
- Growl
- Grunt
- Gurgle
- Hiss
- Honk
- Honk
- Howl
- Moo
- Murmur
- Ping-pong
- Plink
- Plop
- Poof
- Pop
- Quack
- Rattle
- Ribbit
- Roar
- Screech
- Shriek
- Shush
- Sizzle
- Slosh
- Smash
- Snap
- Sniff
- Splash
- Splat
- Squawk
- Squish
- Swoosh
- Thud
- Tic-toc
- Tweet
- Vroom
- Wham
- Whirr
- Whiz
- Wobble
- Woof
- Wow
- Zap