Printable Noun Chart (11 Types of Nouns)
Nouns are things, nouns are people and their names are also nouns. They have many types. I have put them together an easy to use printable chart for you.
This printable noun chart will teach you the most common types of nouns used with examples.
What is noun?
A noun is word used as the name of
Nouns are the names of people, places, things and ideas. For example:
Person: The man in the street
Place: The White House
Thing: A book, a pen, a computer
Idea: Wisdom, love
Sr.# | Noun Type | Definition | Example |
1 | Common Noun | Common noun denotes a general or common thing or a person. | Boy, house, book, chair |
2 | Proper Noun | Personal name of a person, place or a thing is called proper noun. | John, London, Germany |
3 | Collective Noun | Persons or things taken and spoken together as one whole. | Faculty, crowd, herd |
4 | Abstract Noun | Abstract nouns denote some quality, state or action. | Truth, honesty, pleasure |
5 | Material Noun | The things that are made of matter are called material things. Name given to them is called material noun. | Iron, gold, mud, sugar |
6 | Countable Noun | The names of things, people that we can count. | Balls, friends, students |
7 | Uncountable Noun | Common things that cannot be counted. | Knowledge, Sand, Machinery |
8 | Regular Noun | Nouns that become plural by adding ‘s’ are called regular nouns. | Girl – Girls Animal – Animals |
9 | Irregular Noun | Spellings of these nouns are changed when become plural. | Fox – Foxes Enemy – Enemies |
10 | Plural Noun | Plural noun denotes more than one person, place or thing. | Friends, Men, Trees, Parks |
11 | Possessive Noun | Possessive noun shows ownership. | Tom’s Bike, Egg’s color, Jane’s Diary |
Printable Noun Chart

- Parts of Speech Chart
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