What is a Subordinating Conjunction? Examples, Worksheet & List
The subordinating conjunction introduces a dependent clause and changes the meaning of the sentence. In most cases, it shows that one event is happening because of another event. For example: I cannot finish my work yet means “I cannot finish my work because something else is preventing me from doing so.”
Subordinating conjunction is a way of looking at the English language, which is often used to describe clauses. In most cases, these clauses do not have an independent clause – they are subordinate to another clause. Take this sentence for example:
Unlike Lucy, she won’t mind if we arrive late! (In this sentence “if” is subordinating conjunction)
Definition: A subordinating conjunction is a word that connects two clauses and shows how they are related. A subordinating conjunction usually comes at the beginning of the second clause, and it tells us what relation the two clauses have to each other.
What is a Subordinating Conjunction?
Subordinating conjunctions are used to introduce dependent clauses. (A dependent clause is a group of words with a subject and verb that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence.) Dependent clauses usually begin with subordinating conjunctions but can also be introduced by relative pronouns, such as who or which.
Subordinating Conjunction examples include: after, although, as, because, before, how even if/though once since until when whenever where whereas wherever whether while.
Some of these same words can serve many purposes in addition to being subordinate conjunctions.
Subordinating conjunction is a word that is used to connect a subordinate clause to the main clause. It shows that one thing follows another. See some more examples of subordinating conjunction usage.
- Since I have time, I’ll read a little more.
- Before I went shopping, she called me.
- If you go with me, we can leave early.
- Did you hear what he said? He didn’t see us because he was looking down at his phone.
- They are excited since they won $1000 in Vegas last night!
- We took an Uber to get there faster because traffic got really bad during rush hour this morning.
- Although it is cold out today; people were still wearing shorts!
- You should arrive by six so we can eat dinner together
Subordinating Conjunction SWABI
These are some most commonly used subordinating conjunction words.
SWABI stand for Since, When, And, Because, & If
S | Since | Since he didn’t come, I left. |
W | When | When I was a child, I went to school. |
A | And | I go to the gym twice a week and it helps me stay fit. |
B | Because | Because he was hungry, he ate an early dinner. |
I | If | If we can raise $5000 for charity, we’ll get free pizza! |

Subordinating Conjunction List
- After
- Although
- As
- As if
- As much as
- As soon as
- Before
- Because
- By the time
- Even if
- Even though
- Every time
- If
- In case
- Now that
- Once
- Since
- So that
- That
- Than
- Though
- Unless
- Until
- Whatever
- When
- Whenever
- Wherever
- Whereas
- Whoever
- While
- Why
Subordinating Conjunction Usage / Rules
Subordinating conjunctions allow subordination of clauses. A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and verb. A subordinating conjunction connects two clauses with the first clause subordinate to the second. Keep in mind these simple rules for using subordinating conjunctions.
- Subordinating conjunctions are used to link two clauses in a way that indicates the relationship between them.
- They are usually placed at the beginning of a sentence, but can also be placed at other places within it (such as after an adverb). For example; I am sure you will do fine on your exam tomorrow because you have studied hard for it all semester long.
- The purpose of a subordinating conjunction is to connect two sentences with the same subject and verb, but different objects or complements.
Subordinating Conjunction Examples (50 Sentences)
- He won’t go until they finish.
- Unless you pay the rent, we will evict you.
- She’s better at swimming than Tom is.
- Whatever you do, don’t open that box!
- You can keep the money unless you tell me how you got it.
- If you don’t stop, I’ll have to report you to your supervisor!
- Unless the students treat their principal with respect, they will undoubtedly fail their exams.
- Before the train leaves, we can take my car to the parking lot if we get there.
- I would feel a lot better about this whole thing if I thought she was coming back.
- Whenever John visits his family, he sees his brother.
- So don’t worry about it if you make a mistake.
- They might cancel the meeting if there are bad weather conditions.
- Check the answers and find out if you were right.
- If it’s too big, I won’t have enough room in my room to walk around.
- Since we’re already here, let’s do this!
- We’ve waited long enough, so let’s begin!
- Since she dislikes waking up early, she snoozes the alarm until it starts ringing again.
- As much as you might want to go for that extra slice of cake, since you just finished dinner, it may not be a good idea.
- I can’t stay long because I have to go since my booking is confirmed.
- When I was young, I cried for hours after my dog was run over.
- Good luck until we meet again!
- When you get home, eat some dinner.
- When she was a little girl, she loved to sing in front of the mirror.
- You are never going to believe what happened when I was sleeping.
- When that happened, it was the perfect time to strike.
- The person might be in school and need help with their homework.
- We’re having sandwiches for lunch and will be doing activities later in the afternoon.
- My birthday is very special because it is when I was born, and so many family members come together to celebrate it.
- English teachers have tough jobs because they have lots of classes, get little holidays and have lots of marking to do each week.
- If you want to lose weight, you should eat healthily, do a lot of exercise and stop eating junk food until you’re ready to start again.
- Because of these problems, I don’t think we should let them use social media at work.
- Because she hadn’t slept, she took a nap in her office.
- Because I felt ill, I couldn’t go to the meeting.
- Because he was hungry, he ate an early dinner.
- Because they had done so well on their midterm exams, they felt confident during their final exams.
- While the milk may taste fine, bacteria can grow rapidly causing it to become sour.
- While you are gone, we will take care of things here with your help.
- Now that he is behind bars for life, she can finally move on and have a new life.
- In case something happens to me, I have left my Last Will.
- In case an agent becomes busy with a call, there is another one to fill in his spot.
- Even though you have never asked for a testimonial – please consider this letter as one from a very satisfied client.
- Even if you have never asked for references – I would be pleased to supply you with a few.
- By the time this You reach her – she may have already signed with another publishing company.
- In case you cannot finish the project by your deadline – I suggest we publish it on a later date.
- Even though the year is almost over, there is still time to accomplish your goals.
- By the time June comes around, the weather will be warmer.
- In case you are planning a trip abroad, make sure you are covered by health insurance.
- The smell of my father, by the time he gets home, always reminds me of happier times.
- The soldier knew, in case of a collapse, his fellow soldiers would protect him so that he could survive.
- Since the mission was so important, we all took it upon ourselves to make sure everything went by the plan and so that we wouldn’t run into any problems.
- By the time you have finished reading this, you will be well on the way to developing your own presentation skills and techniques.
Subordinating Conjunction Worksheet
- I will go when it stops raining.
- She stopped because she was tired.
- Unless you have a ticket, you can’t get in.
- Even though college is an exciting time, it can be stressful.
- It means that they will only work if you are in the country they are showing in the list.
- Unless it rains, we will go to the beach.
- They might see me if we wait here long enough.
- Since I don’t want to get fired, I work hard.
- When I was little, someone drove by my house on Halloween holding a jack o’ lantern and honking the horn.
- He spends most of his time watching television while I read books.
- Make a pie, in case he comes over tonight.
- The movie was starting now that they were finally here.
- I know you can do it; I’ll see you whenever we have a team meeting tomorrow.
- It’s so cold outside right now, so I decided to stay home.
- If my memory serves me well, I think I once had the honor of eating dinner with Emperor Joseph II of Austria.

- when
- because
- unless
- even though
- if
- unless
- if
- since
- when
- while
- in case
- now that
- whenever
- so
- if
Further Reading