Essay about Growing Up
I remember, as a child opening my eyes to this great big world. As a hopeful child, I was very eager to please my parents and teachers. However, as I grew into adulthood and was thrust into the outside world without any knowledge, I became disillusioned about the world around me. I realized as an adult that you have to come to terms with what life is really like. The real world is full of strife and hardship, but also contains many beautiful things. It’s a series of ups and downs, and you have to take it all in stride.
Essay about Growing Up
I remember, as a child opening my eyes to this great big world.
I remember, as a child opening my eyes to this great big world. I was so young and so curious about everything around me. I wanted to know what made things the way they were. I wanted to know why there was good in this world and bad in that one. I asked questions about everything and anything that came into my mind: Why does the sun rise? Why does it set? What are stars made of? Where do rainbows come from? Why can’t we fly like birds or swim like fish?
As a hopeful child, I was very eager to please my parents and teachers.
I did whatever they asked me to do. I studied hard at school and got good grades. Every night before going to sleep, I would pray earnestly for them (my parents) and for our family as well as for all the people around us.
Growing up is also a time when we learn how to make decisions on our own without relying on others’ opinions or advice because we want to be independent individuals who can take care of ourselves in any situation that may arise in our lives.
We learn all these lessons by observing what happens around us: what works out well or not so well; whether or not someone gets hurt because of their decision; whether one should listen more carefully next time before deciding which option will work best in order not have any regrets later on down the road!
As I grew into adulthood, was thrust into the outside world , I became disillusioned
The world can be a harsh place for a child, but it will teach them what they need to know so that when they grow up, they can face reality with confidence. As a child, I was taught how to look at the world in a positive light and allow myself opportunities to explore my surroundings. This led me to have an optimistic view of life as an adult. My parents exposed me to many different cultures and areas of study so that I could understand more about humanity and its struggles throughout history.
I realized as an adult that you have to come to terms with what life is really like
As you grow up, you have to come to terms with what life is really like. As an adult, you must make decisions, take responsibility for your actions, make sacrifices and learn from your mistakes. Those are all things that we take for granted as children but they become much more important as adults. When I was a kid, I would jump from one thing to another without any regard for how it might affect my future or the people around me. Now that I am older and wiser I know better than to act rashly or impulsively because life isn’t always perfect and sometimes we don’t get what we want right away so we have to learn how to wait things out until they work out in our favor instead of forcing our way into situations just because we want them now!
The real world is full of strife and hardship, but also contains many beautiful things
The real world is full of strife and hardship, but also contains many beautiful things. It’s difficult to find beauty in the world, but it is possible if you look hard enough. There are many wonderful places in the world that we should all appreciate because they can make us happy.
It’s a series of ups and downs, and you have to take it all in stride.
You have to remember that life is a series of ups and downs, good times and bad. You can’t let the good times blind you to the fact that there will be hard times too—and sometimes they’ll come one after another. Life has a way of putting you through the ringer, but if you’re prepared and ready for whatever comes your way, it won’t knock you down as much as it would someone who wasn’t expecting it at all.
I know it can be hard to grow up, but I’m glad that I did. The world is full of wonderful things and there’s no better time than now to experience them!

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