Essay on Goals in Life
Everyone has some sort of goal they’re working towards. Whether it’s a career goal, weight loss goal, or saving money goal, goals are important for personal motivation and success.
Goals can also help someone reach their full potential in life. However, the effectiveness of goals varies. The essay will explore why setting goals in life are essential.
1) What is a goal?
A goal is a pre-determined result that a person wants to achieve. It is a measurable outcome that you want to achieve, often in the short term. These vary from personal goals like bettering your health and getting more sleep, to professional goals like finishing your thesis or increasing your productivity.
Setting specific goals helps you identify what you want to change and focus on what you need to do to be successful. Goals are most effective when they’re clear, realistic, and measurable.
Goals are important because they give us direction and help us enjoy life more by having something to work towards.
Here are some tips for setting realistic goals that will reduce stress, increase life satisfaction, and improve quality of life.
2) Goals are important for personal motivation
Most of us would agree that personal goals are important for personal motivation. But, why? Goals can help us to achieve success or some personal targets such as better goals, financial independence and career achievements.
These goals can be more easily achieved when set clearly and we do not stray from our intended path. Goals can also give us a sense of achievement, confidence, and a sense of accomplishment when they are achieved.
Goals can help us to reach our full potential, therefore, these are very important in our life. Without goals, you are unable to set your direction.
3) Self-determination
Successful people all have one thing in common: they set clear goals and then take the steps necessary to achieve them. They don’t let anything stand in their way, but instead confidently follow through on what they’ve set out to do.
They are self-determined to achieve your goals. Self-determination is the ability to set and pursue your own goals and learn about yourself and what you want.
Self-determination can help you not only in pursuing your goals but also in other aspects of life such as education, relationships, careers, etc.
4) How to set goals?
The first step to successfully setting goals is to identify what type of goal is most important to you. Your goal should address a certain challenge that you would like to overcome or learn.
Setting goals can be one of the most difficult things to do. Well, setting large goals anyways. If you don’t know what you want or where you want to go then it can be difficult to get started. But, if you set smaller yet still achievable goals, it will be easier to reach your larger goal in the future.
To set your goals, keep in mind these tips:
- Determine what you want to achieve
- Get motivated
- Break down your goal into smaller tasks that can be completed one step at a time
- Create deadlines and rewards for yourself as motivation
- Write your goal on paper and keep it visible so you can see it daily
5) Educational goals
Students may set specific goals to maximize their chances of earning college credit for specific coursework at universities.
For example, students may aim to meet 60% of their coursework requirements for an English Literature Class. However, this is not a goal that should be set by itself, but rather one that should be discussed with the faculty member.
Graduate students may set professional goals that include obtaining better jobs. Graduates should not set their goals simply to make their lives better, but rather to maximize their chances of success.
While this may mean working extra hours, having flexible scheduling, and taking advantage of time away from work, the benefits of pursuing these professional goals far outweigh the downsides.
6) Goals for life
Assessment to measure the relationship between the presence of goals and motivation, participants of all ages were asked to respond to a number of items.
There were four questions. First, to explain a time when they felt motivated by their goals, participants were asked to list some of the things they had done to achieve their goals.
Second, participants were asked to list the things they wish they had been able to achieve.
Third, participants were asked to describe their relationship with their goals.
Finally, participants were asked to give an example of the goals they had set and how they felt when they accomplished them.
7) Tips for achieving goals
- Make a personal goal.
- Plan your steps to reach your goal. Keep your goals a secret.
- Have a friend or significant other to hold you accountable.
- Set a short timeline to complete the goal. Include something that will be motivation for your goal, such as a challenge.
- Create an accountability partner.
- Align your goal with something that’s important to you.
- Boldly but intelligently set your goals.
- Look for opportunities to increase the challenge or reward of your goal.
- Apply any plan, discipline, or method that makes your goal more likely to be reached.
8) Conclusion
There are two kinds of goals- short-term and long-term. A short-term goal is smaller than a long-term goal, so it’s easier to reach.
When you set a long-term goal, you’re working towards something bigger that can take more time. Long-term goals are about creating a plan for your future. They help you think about your values and what matters most to you in life. Long-term goals can also keep you motivated even when things get tough.
Making sure you meet both types of goals will make the best out of your life.
Students who have goals and self-determination, a study has shown, can achieve a higher amount of success in the end. Although goals are not easy to achieve, one can apply research and a successful model to achieve a goal.

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