Sentences with Dour (73 Examples)
73 Example Sentences with Dour
- I think it’s dour outside today.
- That word sounds very dour.
- The sun cast a dour glow over the forest as we drove by.
- The conversation was as dour as the weather.
- She was dressed in a dour grey suit and black shirt, and she wore little makeup to match her outfit.
- The dour man stared at the sky.
- “I know you’re in there Martin Martin” shouted Johnny in a dour voice.
- It was a dour and rainy morning when we started out on our trip.
- Maria could not stop thinking about the dour inspector.
- “I don’t want to think about it,” David replied in a dour voice.
- The teacher’s tone was dour.
- Her mood had taken a turn for the dour.
- Without makeup, she looked positively dour.
- Daniel had a smile on his face and a sparkle in his eye, he was clearly in a chipper, not a dour, mood.
- A dour cloud hung over the banquet.
- Rain fell, a dour and depressing drizzle.
- The sky was leaden and dour, soft grey with occasional sharp dark streaks like soft black hail
- The dim light in the room served only to make the scene more dour.
- He is dour on the subject of his failing marriage.
- She was dour with grief at the loss of her children.
- I was more dour than she on the subject of his failing business.
- Jack was a dour man so he rarely smiled, but he got the best results.
- He tried to keep a dour expression on his face as he entered the room.
- My boss looked at me dourly when I asked for the morning off.
- I don’t think it’s an appropriate topic for this network,” she said in a dour voice.
- As they leave, she’s still in a dour mood.
- I went to the cinema and Matilda wasn’t dour.
- Matilda was very dour but we didn’t mind.
- Matilda’s mum was dour and we thought she could be happier.
- Matilda doesn’t like her new bedroom and is very dour about it.
- Matilda wasn’t vexed about the party, she was just dour about the whole thing.
- He was dour but he had a good sense of humor.
- I’m not sure, she’s been rather dour lately.
- It was a very short and dour meeting.
- Overall people were in a pretty good and cheerful mood, despite the dour weather.
- He gave me a very dour look.
- A dour man passed us and I looked away.
- My friend is particularly dour and mean.
- The rain poured and the sun seemed to be dour.
- My mood was dour on Monday.
- Brian is the most dour person I’ve ever met.
- She is dour in the morning.
- The crowd sat in dour silence as the verdict was read out.
- He was unable to get over his dour mood.
- Her dour attitude did not fit in with the other team members.
- Three quarters of the residents said they were in a dour mood after the storm.
- The material looks to be made out of recycled plastic, but it has a very dour outlook to it
- She looked dour as she answered questions for the media.
- A teacher gave out a long and dour list of spelling errors.
- Her voice sounded so dour and boring.
- Dour and unhelpful is how she comes across in these situations.
- Her face was very dour.
- The rain looked extremely dour but didn’t actually fall.
- Julie felt dour about the whole party.
- He looked at the sky in his dour manner.
- I do not think he is lacking in intelligence, but he certainly has a dour look on his face all the time!
- He made her feel happy, if she had been feeling down or dour before.
- Edward looked dour at the thought of a new school.
- The group was in a dour mood after losing the match.
- Nadine gave a dour reply to the question.
- I have been feeling very dour all day.
- Adele displayed a dour expression when she heard the news.
- It was a dour morning and the city was covered in a thick fog.
- The look on his face was dour and he did not say much.
- He operated with a dour determination and never allowed anything to divert him from his goals.
- I don’t know what is going on, but she seems a bit dour about it.
- I think you are working too hard, go for a walk and clear your head, you look dour.
- “May the dour put an end to third party candidates,” he muttered under his breath.
- The dour man gazes out the rain-streaked window.
- As the dour man made his way to the top of the hill, he saw a dog standing on its hind legs, barking at him furiously.
- The dour man took no notice of them and continued crossing the street.
- The dour expression on the teacher’s face showed that he was not impressed with George’s behavior.
- Harry looked at the house and exchanged a dour look with Ron.

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