Adverbs Starting with E (List & 20 Examples)
List of 95 Adverbs Starting with E and example sentences.
20 Example Sentences
Adverbs Starting with ‘e’ | Example Sentences |
eagerly | George eagerly awaits the arrival of his friends. |
easily | She was easily distracted by anything shiny and could not concentrate on her tasks for more than two hours at a time. |
earnestly | The company needs someone who is earnestly committed to its core values. |
evidently | We should endeavor to see these things evidently. |
Electrically | Electrically conductive materials were invented while searching for synthetic alternatives to rubber. |
effectively | I found all production management concepts handled effectively and efficiently at the end of my tasks. |
elegantly | When we speak about taking risks, you can imagine that all this has to be done elegantly without drama. |
Empathetically | Empathetically, he listened to my every word as I struggled to tell my story. |
eminently | Edgar Allan Poe is eminently known for his terrifying and ominous stories. |
effortlessly | Money was effortlessly borrowed from his new bank account. |
engagingly | Newspapers and magazines are written with an engagingly clear style. |
enormously | I am enormously grateful to my teachers, who always talk to me in a friendly, entertaining, and encouraging manner. |
enjoyably | Many people will enjoyably do a particular activity. |
entirely | The gift was entirely helpful to me. |
ethically | I have ethically objected to hunting endangered species for many years now. |
equally | He is equally brave and compassionate. |
especially | His wit is especially biting and sarcastic. I especially felt this way upon reading the book’s introduction written by Bill Cosby. |
emotionally | The Emperor was emotionally attached to his son. |
effortlessly | My collection of short stories effortlessly weaves together the remarkable into the mundane realm. |
estimably | Estimably, both men rose to the challenge and began the work immediately, beginning with the inventory. The business community is estimably behind the event. |
early | He rose early to finish his work. Leave early for the airport and make sure you print your passport photo on the ticket! |
List (95 Words)
- Eagerly
- Earnestly
- Early
- Easily
- Eerily
- Ebulliently
- Eccentrically
- Eclectically
- Ecologically
- Economically
- Editorially
- Educationally
- Effectively
- Efficaciously
- Efficiently
- Effortlessly
- Elaborately
- Electronically
- Elegantly
- Eloquently
- Else
- Elsewhere
- Embarrassingly
- Eminently
- Emotionally
- Empathetically
- Empirically
- Encouragingly
- Endlessly
- Enduringly
- Energetically
- Engagingly
- Enjoyably
- Enormously
- Enterprisingly
- Enthrallingly
- Enthusiastically
- Enticingly
- Entirely
- Entrancingly
- Enviably
- Environmentally
- Episodically
- Equably
- Equally
- Equitably
- Equivocally
- Ere
- Erectly
- Erotically
- Erratically
- Erroneously
- Eruditely
- Esoterically
- Especially
- Essentially
- Est
- Estimably
- Eternally
- Ethically
- Ethnically
- Evasively
- Even
- Evenly
- Eventfully
- Ever
- Everlastingly
- Evidently
- Evil
- Evilly
- Exactly
- Exasperatingly
- Exceedingly
- Excellently
- Excusably
- Exhaustively
- Expansively
- Expectedly
- Expeditiously
- Experimentally
- Explanatively
- Explicitly
- Explosively
- Exponentially
- Expressly
- Extempore
- Extemporarily
- Extendedly
- Extensively
- Externally
- Extra
- Extraordinarily
- Extravagantly
- Extremely
- Exultantly

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