Adverbs Starting with b (List & Example Sentences)
Adverbs Starting with b
Example Sentences
Sr. | Adverb | Example Sentences |
1 | backstage | Before going on stage, the performer can grab some ready-to-eat snacks backstage. |
2 | backward | The lights were so bright that they blinded us backward and made us think we were dreaming. |
3 | bacterially | Effects of penicillin are bacterially sensitive. |
4 | balmily | The weather was please and wind was blowing balmily. |
5 | ballistically | I had to leave ballistically after the class was over. |
6 | barefacedly | They are lying to their customers barefacedly by not warning them about the poisonous side effects of the product. |
7 | badly | She was badly hurt in the accident. |
8 | barely | He barely worked as many hours as his co-worker to finish the project. |
9 | bashfully | The woman was bashfully displaying her collection. |
10 | beautifully | You are wearing your clothes beautifully. |
11 | becomingly | My daughter will look becomingly on a date when she wears her pretty new dress. |
12 | becomingly | My outfit was becomingly simple. The girl mainly wore casual layers with an interesting pattern over them. |
13 | before | I really would like to do it before going home. |
14 | belatedly | She paid for the service belatedly. |
15 | belatedly | I belatedly realized that attaining tenure was harder than I thought. |
16 | believingly | She resigned, believingly thinking she would have no problems finding another job. |
17 | believingly | The chief engineer hoped that we would believingly implement the newest technology. |
18 | beneficially | By the end of the year, she had beneficially affected the students in her class. |
19 | bewilderedly | They could not understand his bewilderedly expressed instructions. |
20 | benevolently | They benevolently supported the community better than they were supposed to. |
21 | better | He felt better after receiving treatment. |
22 | Better | Better results can be achieved beyond limiting beliefs. |
23 | bewilderingly | It will be bewilderingly difficult to escape the clutches of group-think on this topic. |
24 | bilaterally | They are bilaterally symmetrical. |
25 | biannually | We meet biannually to brainstorm ideas for new product improvements. |
26 | biomimicry | The organizational structure is biomimicry. |
- Babyishly
- Backstage
- Backward
- Backwards
- Bacterially
- Bactericidally
- Badly
- Bafflingly
- Balmily
- Bangingly
- Barbarously
- Barefacedly
- Barely
- Barometrically
- Bashfully
- Basically
- Beautifully
- Bechance
- Becomingly
- Bedazzlingly
- Beefily
- Before
- Beggingly
- Begrudgingly
- Behaviorally
- Behovely
- Belatedly
- Believingly
- Belikely
- Bellicosely
- Belligerently
- Belligerently
- Bemusedly
- Beneath
- Beneficially
- Benignly
- Beseechingly
- Better
- Bewilderedly
- Bewitchingly
- Beyond
- Biallelically
- Biannually
- Bibulously
- Bidirectionally
- Bigamously
- Bihourly
- Bilaterally
- Billowingly
- Bimodally
- Bimonthly
- Binationally
- Bioethically
- Bioethically
- Biologically
- Biotically
- Bitonally
- Bitterly
- Biweekly
- Biyearly
- Bizarrely
- Blackly
- Blandly
- Blatantly
- Bleakly
- Blessedly
- Blindly
- Bloodcurdlingly
- Bloodily
- Bluntly
- Boastfully
- Bodily
- Bogglingly
- Boldly
- Boorishly
- Boorishly
- Boringly
- Boundlessly
- Bracingly
- Brashly
- Bravely
- Bravingly
- Brazenly
- Breathlessly
- Breezily
- Breezily
- Briefly
- Brightly
- Briskly
- Brokenly
- Bronchially
- Brutally
- Brutishly
- Bulkily
- Bullyingly
- Bumptiously
- Buoyantly
- Burdensomely
- Burningly
- Busily
- Bustily
- Buxomly
- Buzzingly
- Byronically

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