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Adverbs Starting with ‘c’ (List & Example Sentences)

Here is the list of 123 adverbs starting with ‘c’ and 21 example sentences.

Example Sentences

Adverbs starting ‘c’Example Sentences
cagily The accountant cagily calculated the cost of the project.
calmlyThe businessman calmly stepped in to save the day.
candidly The child candidly expressed her opinion to the teacher.
capably The staff capably carried out their duties with a smile.
carefullyWe need to approach this carefully because our customers will be very upset about the change.
caudally We should always caudally move when cutting with the shears.
cautiously While adjusting to your management style, you must be cautiously aware of how the changes will affect team member interaction.
ceaselessly Always be ceaselessly on time for all your appointments.
centrally Make sure you are centrally located before you meet anyone.
centrally In the Middle Ages, caravans traveled along trade routes, mainly centrally located along major rivers.
chicly She wore a chicly patterned scarf with her tailored suit.
cheerfully The teacher smiled cheerfully at us and said it would be more fun if we all joined in.
cheery A cheery attitude is needed to do this work.
Clammily Clammily using social media should be left to professionals who are experts in the field.
ChronicallyChronically, most people prefer to spend free time with friends rather than with loved ones.
collectivelyYou can do this collectively by learning with others during office hours and via online collaborative learning tools such as forums.
completelyClients only deal with one or two representatives who are completely dedicated to their account and ensuring they have everything they need to do their job.
comically Consciously or unconsciously, we connect with some documentaries much more comically than others.
consistentlyThere is only one way to increase sales consistently: offer a product or service that people will love and find convenient to buy.
Analyzing the words carefully, we can see that if we want to produce a good paper, then we must write confidently.
consciouslyAmid a conflict, it is crucial to take a step back and assess the situation consciously instead of blindly following emotions.
adverbs starting with ‘c’ with examples

List (123 Words)

  1. Cagily   
  2. Callously
  3. Calmly
  4. Candidly
  5. Canonically
  6. Capably
  7. Carefully
  8. Carelessly
  9. Caudally
  10. Cautiously
  11. Ceaselessly        
  12. Centrally
  13. Ceremonially
  14. Certainly
  15. Characteristically
  16. Charmingly
  17. Chattily
  18. Cheekily
  19. Cheerfully
  20. Cheerlessly
  21. Chemically
  22. Chicly
  23. Childishly
  24. Chirpily
  25. Chock
  26. Chronically
  27. Circumspectly
  28. Circumstantially
  29. Civilly
  30. Clammily 
  31. Classically           
  32. Cleanly
  33. Clearer
  34. Clearly
  35. Cleverly
  36. Clinically
  37. Closely
  38. Cloyingly
  39. Clumsily
  40. Coarsely
  41. Coaxingly
  42. Cogently
  43. Coherently
  44. Cohesively
  45. Coincidentally
  46. Coldly
  47. Collectedly
  48. Collectively        
  49. Colloidally
  50. Comfortably
  51. Comically
  52. Commensally
  53. Commercially
  54. Commonly
  55. Communicatively            
  56. Compactly
  57. Comparably
  58. Complainingly
  59. Completely
  60. Comprehensively
  61. Computationally
  62. Concavely
  63. Conceitedly
  64. Conceivably
  65. Conceptually
  66. Concisely
  67. Concretely
  68. Concurrently
  69. Conditionally
  70. Confidentially
  71. Confidently
  72. Confusedly
  73. Congenially
  74. Conically
  75. Conjugally
  76. Consciously
  77. Consecutively
  78. Consequently
  79. Conservatively
  80. Considerably
  81. Constrainedly
  82. Constructively
  83. Contagiously
  84. Contemptuously
  85. Contextually
  86. Contritely
  87. Conveniently
  88. Conversationally
  89. Conversely
  90. Convincingly
  91. Coolly
  92. Coordinately
  93. Cordially
  94. Correctly
  95. Corruptly
  96. Coughingly
  97. Courageously
  98. Courteously
  99. Cowardly
  100. Cozily
  101. Craftily
  102. Cravenly
  103. Crazily
  104. Creakily
  105. Creatively
  106. Credibly
  107. Credulously
  108. Crisply
  109. Critically
  110. Croakily
  111. Crossly
  112. Crucially
  113. Cryptically
  114. Culturally
  115. Cunningly
  116. Curiously
  117. Currently
  118. Cursedly
  119. Cursorily
  120. Cussedly
  121. Cutely
  122. Cuttingly
  123. Cynically
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adverbs starting with ‘c’

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