Adverbs Starting with ‘c’ (List & Example Sentences)
Here is the list of 123 adverbs starting with ‘c’ and 21 example sentences.
Example Sentences
Adverbs starting ‘c’ | Example Sentences |
cagily | The accountant cagily calculated the cost of the project. |
calmly | The businessman calmly stepped in to save the day. |
candidly | The child candidly expressed her opinion to the teacher. |
capably | The staff capably carried out their duties with a smile. |
carefully | We need to approach this carefully because our customers will be very upset about the change. |
caudally | We should always caudally move when cutting with the shears. |
cautiously | While adjusting to your management style, you must be cautiously aware of how the changes will affect team member interaction. |
ceaselessly | Always be ceaselessly on time for all your appointments. |
centrally | Make sure you are centrally located before you meet anyone. |
centrally | In the Middle Ages, caravans traveled along trade routes, mainly centrally located along major rivers. |
chicly | She wore a chicly patterned scarf with her tailored suit. |
cheerfully | The teacher smiled cheerfully at us and said it would be more fun if we all joined in. |
cheery | A cheery attitude is needed to do this work. |
Clammily | Clammily using social media should be left to professionals who are experts in the field. |
Chronically | Chronically, most people prefer to spend free time with friends rather than with loved ones. |
collectively | You can do this collectively by learning with others during office hours and via online collaborative learning tools such as forums. |
completely | Clients only deal with one or two representatives who are completely dedicated to their account and ensuring they have everything they need to do their job. |
comically | Consciously or unconsciously, we connect with some documentaries much more comically than others. |
consistently | There is only one way to increase sales consistently: offer a product or service that people will love and find convenient to buy. |
carefully confidently | Analyzing the words carefully, we can see that if we want to produce a good paper, then we must write confidently. |
consciously | Amid a conflict, it is crucial to take a step back and assess the situation consciously instead of blindly following emotions. |
List (123 Words)
- Cagily  Â
- Callously
- Calmly
- Candidly
- Canonically
- Capably
- Carefully
- Carelessly
- Caudally
- Cautiously
- Ceaselessly       Â
- Centrally
- Ceremonially
- Certainly
- Characteristically
- Charmingly
- Chattily
- Cheekily
- Cheerfully
- Cheerlessly
- Chemically
- Chicly
- Childishly
- Chirpily
- Chock
- Chronically
- Circumspectly
- Circumstantially
- Civilly
- ClammilyÂ
- Classically          Â
- Cleanly
- Clearer
- Clearly
- Cleverly
- Clinically
- Closely
- Cloyingly
- Clumsily
- Coarsely
- Coaxingly
- Cogently
- Coherently
- Cohesively
- Coincidentally
- Coldly
- Collectedly
- Collectively       Â
- Colloidally
- Comfortably
- Comically
- Commensally
- Commercially
- Commonly
- Communicatively           Â
- Compactly
- Comparably
- Complainingly
- Completely
- Comprehensively
- Computationally
- Concavely
- Conceitedly
- Conceivably
- Conceptually
- Concisely
- Concretely
- Concurrently
- Conditionally
- Confidentially
- Confidently
- Confusedly
- Congenially
- Conically
- Conjugally
- Consciously
- Consecutively
- Consequently
- Conservatively
- Considerably
- Constrainedly
- Constructively
- Contagiously
- Contemptuously
- Contextually
- Contritely
- Conveniently
- Conversationally
- Conversely
- Convincingly
- Coolly
- Coordinately
- Cordially
- Correctly
- Corruptly
- Coughingly
- Courageously
- Courteously
- Cowardly
- Cozily
- Craftily
- Cravenly
- Crazily
- Creakily
- Creatively
- Credibly
- Credulously
- Crisply
- Critically
- Croakily
- Crossly
- Crucially
- Cryptically
- Culturally
- Cunningly
- Curiously
- Currently
- Cursedly
- Cursorily
- Cussedly
- Cutely
- Cuttingly
- Cynically

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