adverbs starting with dPin

Adverbs Starting with D (List & 20 Examples)

List of 114 adverbs starting with D and 20 examples.

20 Example Sentences

Adverbs Starting with DExample Sentences
dangerouslyWhile remodeling the kitchen, Jack was dangerously electrocuted.
darklyThe burglars entered the darkly lit room quietly.
daringlyBill aced his driving test and passed it daringly!
damplyAs he stepped outside, the damply cold weather chilled his bones.
dramaticallySimple changes to your landscape design can dramatically benefit the environment.
deceitfullyHe deceitfully obtained money from illegal sources.
decentlyTom was decently dressed at the party.
deeplyYou must deeply understand the structure and design of the product before creating your version.
decorativelyAre you decoratively surrounding the room with flowers?
decorouslyAnna was decorously walking down the aisle.
decisivelyShe decisively decided to stop living with her abusive husband.
deplorablyThe deplorably low turnout was due to several factors.
denselyHe argued the case so densely that he bamboozled everyone.
dependablyYou can always dependably expect Sally to arrive on time every day.
deplorablyYou deplorably insulted my friend, and now he will never forgive you.
depressinglyA depressingly dull movie always seems to win the Oscar for best picture.
diligentlyTom diligently prioritized the most meaningful tasks.
DigitallyDigitally, Sutherland Global Services continues exploring new growth opportunities.
diplomaticallyHe is diplomatically accepting the customer’s request.
directionallyYou should directionally display the products on the website.
Examples of Adverbs Starting with D

List (114 Words)

  1. Daftly
  2. Daintily
  3. Damnably
  4. Damply
  5. Dangerously
  6. Daringly
  7. Darkly
  8. Dashingly
  9. Dauntlessly
  10. Dazedly
  11. Dazzlingly
  12. Deadly
  13. Dearly
  14. Deceitfully
  15. Decently
  16. Decidedly
  17. Decisively
  18. Decoratively
  19. Decorously
  20. Deeply
  21. Defeatedly        
  22. Defenselessly
  23. Deferentially
  24. Definitely
  25. Dejectedly
  26. Deliberately
  27. Delicately           
  28. Deliciously
  29. Delightfully
  30. Delusively
  31. Dementedly
  32. Demoniacally
  33. Demurely
  34. Densely
  35. Dependably
  36. Deplorably
  37. Depressingly
  38. Derisively           
  39. Derogatively     
  40. Desperately
  41. Despitefully
  42. Destructively
  43. Determinedly
  44. Detrimentally
  45. Devastatingly
  46. Devilishly
  47. Devotedly
  48. Devotionally      
  49. Dexterously
  50. Diagonally
  51. Dialectically
  52. Dichotomously
  53. Differentially
  54. Difficulty
  55. Diffidently
  56. Digitally
  57. Diligently
  58. Dimly
  59. Dingily
  60. Diplomatically
  61. Directionally
  62. Directly
  63. Disadvantageously
  64. Disappointedly
  65. Disapprovingly
  66. Disbelievingly
  67. Disconsolately
  68. Discordantly
  69. Discourteously
  70. Discreetly
  71. Disgracefully
  72. Disgustedly
  73. Dishonestly
  74. Disingenuously
  75. Disjointedly
  76. Dismally
  77. Disparagingly
  78. Dispiritedly
  79. Disproportionately
  80. Disquietingly
  81. Disreputably
  82. Disruptively
  83. Distally
  84. Distantly
  85. Distinctly
  86. Distraughtly
  87. Distressfully
  88. Distrustfully
  89. Diversely
  90. Dizzily
  91. Doctrinally
  92. Dogmatically
  93. Dolefully
  94. Domestically
  95. Dominantly
  96. Dopily
  97. Dorsoventrally
  98. Dottily
  99. Doubtfully
  100. Dowdily
  101. Drably
  102. Dramatically
  103. Drastically
  104. Dreadfully
  105. Drearily
  106. Drippily
  107. Droopingly
  108. Drunkenly
  109. Dubiously
  110. Dully
  111. Duly
  112. During
  113. Dutifully
  114. Dynamically
adverbs starting with 'd'Pin
adverbs starting with D

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