Adverbs Starting with F (List & 20 Examples)
List of Adverbs Starting with F and example sentences
20 Example Sentences
Adverbs Starting with F | Example Sentences |
faithfully | The couple exchanged faithfully loving smiles and gazed into each other’s faces lovingly. |
forcibly | The protestors were forcibly removed from their seats by police officers. |
Finely | Finely detailed analysis work provides greater confidence in project direction and scope. |
forcefully | Users are forcefully redirected to potentially malicious sites. |
formally | We formally invite you to join us in this celebration of the best chefs and hostesses in the industry. |
forgetfully | She has forgotten to pay the rent again, forgetfully as always. |
Firstly | Firstly, you need to understand what coaching is. |
Figuratively | Figuratively speaking, this company is on the brink of bankruptcy. |
firmly | I firmly believe that customers appreciate a high level of customer service. |
furiously | The student typed furiously for the better part of an hour. |
famously | Clooney is famously known for his acting roles. |
faultily | The building was faultily constructed. |
fantastically | The event was fantastically organized. |
fairly | We will treat you fairly at all times. |
Facially | Facially, you must be related to him. |
factually | Her words were not only factually incorrect, but they were also personally hurtful. |
faithfully | They faithfully carry out their duties. |
fabulously | I am fabulously talented in my chosen sport. |
finally | We were finally given the head office contract to bid on. |
List (91 Words)
- Fabulously
- Facially
- Factiously
- Factually
- Faddishly
- Faintly
- Fairly
- Faithfully
- Faithlessly
- Falsely
- Famously
- Fantastically
- Fast
- Fatally
- Faultily
- Faultlessly
- Favorably
- Fearlessly
- Feasibly
- Federally
- Feelingly
- Ferociously
- Fervidly
- Feverishly
- Fiercely
- Fifthly
- Figuratively
- Finally
- Finely
- Finitely
- Firmly
- Firstly
- Fiscally
- Fishily
- Fittingly
- Fixedly
- Flagrantly
- Flashily
- Flatly
- Flawlessly
- Fleetingly
- Flexibly
- Flimsily
- Flippantly
- Floridly
- Fluently
- Focally
- Followingly
- Fondly
- Foolishly
- Forcefully
- Forcibly
- Forever
- Forgetfully
- Forgivingly
- Formally
- Formidably
- Forsooth
- Forth
- Forthrightly
- Fortnightly
- Fortunately
- Forward
- Foully
- Foursquare
- Fourthly
- Fragilely
- Frankly
- Fraternally
- Freakishly
- Freehand
- Freely
- Frequently
- Freshly
- Friendlily
- Frightfully
- Friskily
- Frontally
- Frostily
- Frowningly
- Fruitfully
- Frumpily
- Fugally
- Fully
- Functionally
- Fundamentally
- Furiously
- Further
- Furthest
- Fussily
- Futilely

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