Adverbs Starting with D (List & 20 Examples)
List of 114 adverbs starting with D and 20 examples.
20 Example Sentences
Adverbs Starting with D | Example Sentences |
dangerously | While remodeling the kitchen, Jack was dangerously electrocuted. |
darkly | The burglars entered the darkly lit room quietly. |
daringly | Bill aced his driving test and passed it daringly! |
damply | As he stepped outside, the damply cold weather chilled his bones. |
dramatically | Simple changes to your landscape design can dramatically benefit the environment. |
deceitfully | He deceitfully obtained money from illegal sources. |
decently | Tom was decently dressed at the party. |
deeply | You must deeply understand the structure and design of the product before creating your version. |
decoratively | Are you decoratively surrounding the room with flowers? |
decorously | Anna was decorously walking down the aisle. |
decisively | She decisively decided to stop living with her abusive husband. |
deplorably | The deplorably low turnout was due to several factors. |
densely | He argued the case so densely that he bamboozled everyone. |
dependably | You can always dependably expect Sally to arrive on time every day. |
deplorably | You deplorably insulted my friend, and now he will never forgive you. |
depressingly | A depressingly dull movie always seems to win the Oscar for best picture. |
diligently | Tom diligently prioritized the most meaningful tasks. |
Digitally | Digitally, Sutherland Global Services continues exploring new growth opportunities. |
diplomatically | He is diplomatically accepting the customer’s request. |
directionally | You should directionally display the products on the website. |
List (114 Words)
- Daftly
- Daintily
- Damnably
- Damply
- Dangerously
- Daringly
- Darkly
- Dashingly
- Dauntlessly
- Dazedly
- Dazzlingly
- Deadly
- Dearly
- Deceitfully
- Decently
- Decidedly
- Decisively
- Decoratively
- Decorously
- Deeply
- Defeatedly
- Defenselessly
- Deferentially
- Definitely
- Dejectedly
- Deliberately
- Delicately
- Deliciously
- Delightfully
- Delusively
- Dementedly
- Demoniacally
- Demurely
- Densely
- Dependably
- Deplorably
- Depressingly
- Derisively
- Derogatively
- Desperately
- Despitefully
- Destructively
- Determinedly
- Detrimentally
- Devastatingly
- Devilishly
- Devotedly
- Devotionally
- Dexterously
- Diagonally
- Dialectically
- Dichotomously
- Differentially
- Difficulty
- Diffidently
- Digitally
- Diligently
- Dimly
- Dingily
- Diplomatically
- Directionally
- Directly
- Disadvantageously
- Disappointedly
- Disapprovingly
- Disbelievingly
- Disconsolately
- Discordantly
- Discourteously
- Discreetly
- Disgracefully
- Disgustedly
- Dishonestly
- Disingenuously
- Disjointedly
- Dismally
- Disparagingly
- Dispiritedly
- Disproportionately
- Disquietingly
- Disreputably
- Disruptively
- Distally
- Distantly
- Distinctly
- Distraughtly
- Distressfully
- Distrustfully
- Diversely
- Dizzily
- Doctrinally
- Dogmatically
- Dolefully
- Domestically
- Dominantly
- Dopily
- Dorsoventrally
- Dottily
- Doubtfully
- Dowdily
- Drably
- Dramatically
- Drastically
- Dreadfully
- Drearily
- Drippily
- Droopingly
- Drunkenly
- Dubiously
- Dully
- Duly
- During
- Dutifully
- Dynamically

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