75 Example Sentences with Too in them
Too is an adverb which means “also”, “over”. This blog post contains 75 example sentences with too.
Sentences with Too
- There are too many teenagers spending time with video games.
- The car was too slow to take the corner.
- The ball was too small to play with.
- I was too hot – I had to take off my coat.
- The cake was too sweet – I couldn’t finish it.
- The sandwich was too salty.
- I went too fast and overshot the turn.
- It was a cake, but it was too dry to eat.
- I, too, like flying.
- I didn’t know that, too.
- The car was too expensive to buy.
- Her eyes were too big for her face.
- The movie was too long.
- I’m too excited to sleep.
- You are too young to vote here.
- It’s too dangerous for me to come alone.
- I look too good in this dress.
- He speaks too good English for my liking.
- There were too many security cameras in the building.
- I ate too much for dinner.
- The baby has grown too much since her last visit to the doctor’s.
- I have worked at my company for too long.
- This hot air balloon is too big to fly.
- That river is too wide to swim across.
- Karen is too young to drive.
- Their dog is too old to play Frisbee anymore.
- She is too busy to see you today.
- I am too tired to make dinner tonight.
- It was too cold to go outside today.
- She has too many problems with her work.
- We are too short on time to do that now.
- The water was too hot.
- I am too shy to ask her out.
- He is too smart to do something like that.
- The soup was too salty.
- I am too exhausted to go to work.
- I was too ill to do anything today.
- The picture is too dark to see clearly.
- It was too windy to go outside.
- He was too impatient to listen to others.
- This room is too small for all of us.
- It’s too early for me to go to bed.
- She talks too much for my liking.
- I feel too excited to eat.
- He writes too quickly.
- My wife has been eating too much lately.
- You have been eating too much pizza recently.
- She was too tired to eat dinner.
- It was so hot, I was too tired to study for my test.
- I had too many assignments to get them all done by Friday.
- He is too ill to work.
- She has been working too hard to pass the test.
- There was too much traffic to get there on time.
- She was too tired to go to the party.
- The cake was too hot, so I waited before I ate it.
- They were talking too loudly, so I asked them to keep it down.
- The room was too quiet, so I turned on the TV.
- The line at the shop was too long, so I decided to go somewhere else.
- She is too nice for me.
- This job is too hard for me.
- It was dark and cold, and I was too scared to go out.
- I am too old for the job.
- We had eaten too much food, so we could not eat dinner.
- It was too hot for us to go outside.
- It was too cold to play outside, so we all stayed inside.
- I didn’t want to try the food – it looked too good.
- I’ve been there many times, and it’s too far for me to go there today.
- It was too early, and so we decided to change the plan and go out for lunch.
- I suppose it’s true; I’m too busy to watch her.
- The room was a mess. It was too messy to invite anyone to the party.
- Mireya is too strict with her kids when it comes to grades.
- I cannot go with you to the mall today because I have too much work at home to attend to.
- I don’t want to use too many colors.
- It would work too if you wore blue jeans.
- I don’t know if it would look too short on you, though, as your legs are quite long and slender.

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