Sentences with USED TO (50 Examples)
Used to is a form of the verb used in the past tense. It is often used to describe a habit or custom that was common in the past, but no longer exists. We have 50 example sentences with used to.
Sentences with Used To
- I used to go camping every summer.
- He used to be so smart in school, but now he’s dumb.
- I used to have a dog when I was a kid, but I don’t have one anymore.
- I used to watch the news every day, but now I don’t have time for it anymore.
- He used to play football when he was younger.
- We used to eat dinner together every night when we were kids.
- He used to be a good student, but now he’s not so good at school.
- I used to walk to school.
- We used to live in a small town.
- She used to play the guitar.
- I used to drink coffee every day, but now I drink tea.
- He used to smoke cigarettes, but he quit smoking about two years ago.
- We used to have a dog named Spot when we were kids, but we gave him away when we moved out of our house.
- I used to go to the movies with my friends on Friday nights.
- I used to live in New York City, but now I live in Chicago.
- My parents used to give me a lot of money when I was young so that I could buy toys and games.
- When I was younger, I used to play video games every day after school, but now that I have a job, I only play them once or twice a week.
- I used to play basketball.
- I used to work as a waitress.
- I used to like sports, but now I hate them!
- I used to be in shape, but now I’m out of shape!
- I used to go to bed at 9 PM and wake up at 6 AM daily.
- I used to have a dog, but he died last year.
- I used to be on a swim team when I was younger, but now I don’t swim at all.
- She used to live in France when she was younger, but now she lives in the U.S.A.
- We used to live in the city, but now we live in the country.
- He used to be a doctor, but now he’s an artist.
- They used to play baseball together when they were kids.
- My sister used to be an artist, but now she’s a lawyer.
- I used to be shy, but I’m not anymore.
- I used to live in a small town.
- I used to help my mother with the housework.
- I used to take piano lessons when I was a child.
- I used to go fishing with my father when I was young.
- I used to swim every year during summer vacation at school or in the public pool near my house.
- I used to go to the gym three times a week.
- I used to play tennis when I was a kid, but I haven’t played in years.
- I used to hate going to the dentist, but I’ve gotten over it now that I have good insurance and can afford the best dental care money can buy!
- We used to go out together every weekend when we were younger.
- You used to be so cheerful and happy all the time!
- Tom used to go fishing with his dad.
- I used to love chocolate ice cream.
- My parents used to fight all the time, but now they don’t anymore.
- We used to take walks in the park when we were dating.
- I used to have a job, but now I’m retired.
- I used to get angry when someone broke my stuff, but now that doesn’t happen anymore because I have learned how to control my emotions better.
- I used to hate cold weather, but now that I live in Colorado, I love it!
- I used to love working here, but now it’s just a job.
- I used to run every day, but lately, I’ve been too busy with work.
- She used to be shy, but now she’s very outgoing and friendly.
- He used to have red hair, but now it’s gray and thinning on top.

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