Adverbs Starting with i (List & 20 Examples)
List of 183 Adverbs Starting with i and their examples.
Adverbs starting with i | Example Sentences |
imminently | Kelly imminently barely anticipated the danger. |
intricately | Please intricately describe the problem. |
impolitely | Ella’s request seems impolitely demanding as she failed to explain why they should come late. |
impotently | The teacher looks at Michael impotently as he falls in a heap on the floor after over-stretching himself too far. |
interestingly | Many companies use social media to promote their brands, but most do it interestingly. |
immorally | Finally, we must remember that they are immorally stealing the only life they have. |
immortally | Nothing could immortally survive in those conditions. |
insufficiently | Linda felt insufficiently prepared for the presentation because she hadn’t done her homework. |
intolerantly | The staff intolerantly treated me. |
indeed | Indeed, when you are clean, you feel more energetic and confident. |
inefficiently | It is quite right that he wants this so much. For him to try to slip around the rules is merely inefficiently foolish. |
incurably | The girl was a well-known hypochondriac, and there were indications that she was incurably insane. |
inevitably | Inevitably like all owners, I feed my dogs three times a day. He was Inevitably prepared for the task. |
ideally | Ideally, you may want to attend but not swim in the pool. |
inherently | Therefore, the system is inherently inefficient, leading to a vast waste of resources. |
immensely | She was immensely relieved when he came back unharmed. The immensely enlightening book changed my outlook on life and helped me see things differently. |
implicitly | Sales agents should be implicitly aware of the importance of listening to prospective buyers. Her son is implicitly rude as he sees her grandmother leave the room before saying goodbye. |
inaccurately | Ellie spoke inaccurately and aggressively to me in the meeting. That data is inaccurately recorded. |
inaudibly | She was inaudibly whispered while everyone else was chatting loudly. The children were inaudibly asked to do their homework. |
indolently | He indolently acted when confronted by police. The company is being run indolently by people who don’t do any work themselves. |
idly | The club has an idly unemployed manager who sits around the office all day and doesn’t help out with any work. |
List (183 Words)
- Ibid
- Icily
- Ideally
- Identically
- Ideographically
- Ideologically
- Idiomatically
- Idiotically
- Idly
- Illegally
- Illegibly
- Illiberally
- Illicitly
- Illogically
- Imaginatively
- Immaturely
- Immeasurably
- Immediately
- Immensely
- Imminently
- Immoderately
- Immodestly
- Immorally
- Immovably
- Immutably
- Impassively
- Impatiently
- Imperatively
- Imperfectly
- Imperially
- Imperiously
- Impersonally
- Impertinently
- Impiously
- Implausibly
- Implicitly
- Impolitely
- Importantly
- Imposingly
- Impossibly
- Impotently
- Imprecisely
- Impressively
- Improbably
- Improperly
- Improvidently
- Impudently
- Impulsively
- Inaccessibly
- Inaccurately
- Inadequately
- Inadvertently
- Inanely
- Inappropriately
- Inarguably
- Inasmuch
- Inattentively
- Inaudibly
- Inaugurally
- Inboard
- Incautiously
- Incessantly
- Incidentally
- Incisively
- Inclusively
- Incognito
- Incoherently
- Incomparably
- Incompetently
- Incompletely
- Inconceivably
- Incongruously
- Inconsequently
- Inconsiderately
- Inconsistently
- Inconveniently
- Incorrectly
- Increasingly
- Incredibly
- Incriminatingly
- Incurably
- Indecently
- Indecisively
- Indeed
- Indefinitely
- Independently
- Indescribably
- Indifferently
- Indigenously
- Indirectly
- Indiscreetly
- Indistinctly
- Individually
- Indolently
- Indoors
- Industrially
- Industriously
- Ineffectively
- Inefficiently
- Ineloquently
- Ineptly
- Inescapably
- Inevitably
- Inexcusably
- Inexhaustibly
- Inexpediently
- Inexpensively
- Inexplicably
- Inexpressibly
- Infectiously
- Infernally
- Infinitely
- Influentially
- Informally
- Informatively
- Ingeniously
- Inherently
- Inhospitably
- Inimitably
- Initially
- Injudiciously
- Injuriously
- Innately
- Innocently
- Inopportunely
- Inorganically
- Insanely
- Inscriptively
- Insecurely
- Insensibly
- Insensitively
- Inseparably
- Insidiously
- Insignificantly
- Insipidly
- Insistently
- Inspirationally
- Instantaneously
- Instantly
- Institutionally
- Instrumentally
- Insufficiently
- Insultingly
- Integrally
- Intellectually
- Intelligently
- Intelligibly
- Intensely
- Intentionally
- Intently
- Interestingly
- Intermediately
- Intermittently
- Internally
- Internationally
- Interrogatively
- Intolerably
- Intolerantly
- Intradermally
- Intransitively
- Intrepidly
- Intricately
- Intrinsically
- Invariably
- Inventively
- Invidiously
- Invincibly
- Invisibly
- Involuntarily
- Inwardly
- Irately
- Ironically
- Irrationally
- Irregularly
- Irrelevantly
- Irreparably
- Irresolutely
- Irresponsibly
- Irreverently
- Irreversibly
- Irrevocably
- Irritatingly
- Isothermally

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- Adverbs starting with ‘h’
- Adverbs starting with ‘i’
- Adverb of Frequency
- Adverb of Place
- Adverb of Number
- Adverb of Manner
- Adverb of Degree
- Conjunctive Adverb