Adverbs Starting with L (List & Examples)
List of Adverbs Starting with L and their example sentences
Adverbs Starting with L | Example Sentences |
loyally | He loyally fulfilled his duties, despite his dissatisfaction with the system. |
lovingly | The youth watched him with an inquisitive look on his face as he silently and lovingly looked down at his half-open book. |
loudly lovingly | He said it loudly, lovingly, and with a smile on his face. Please don’t wait for me to say it loudly or lovingly; know that I am always here for you no matter what happens! |
loyally | We do not believe in hoarding information or resources, but we are loyally devoted to our partners who have faith in us and share knowledge. |
last | The last time we saw them, they were on their way to the party. I want the last slice of pizza, if you don’t mind. |
lastly | I want to thank those involved in helping with this event, and lastly, I want to thank those who have donated money towards this cause. |
later | Don’t forget we have a meeting at 6 pm tomorrow – later than usual because we have guests coming. |
lately | It’s come to my attention that we have been focusing on these matters more than what is happening lately in our company. |
large | He has a large number of books on the shelf. |
largely | The storm largely destroyed all the crops on their farm. |
legally | He can’t legally drive because he’s lamely intoxicated. |
lawfully | His house is lawfully mortgaged. |
lawlessly | I’ve never heard of anyone lawlessly leading an army before! Suddenly, a loud crash and the lights go out – the place is lawlessly dark! They are lawlessly occupying land inside our borders and refuse to leave until they get what they want. |
lawyerly | A lawyerly person will run up bills without any regard for their lawfulness. |
lavishly | Many dignitaries lavishly attended the candlelight vigil. Most companies are lavishly praised when they do well and hounded by critics when they make mistakes. The ornate building with its weather-worn exterior is a beautifully restored monument that looks lavishly fit for purpose. |
loyalty | The employees’ loyalty to her was fantastic, and she rewarded them lavishly. |
lifelessly | I would actively use that [in the order], but I’d see it as a lifelessly overlooked possibility. My grandmother died lifelessly in her sleep. |
likely | All the related information about the word answer is lifeless and light, likely because it is a very simple word. |
legally | We will legally contend your claim if it is not fraudulent. |
loweringly | Loweringly, he said, “Look, doctor, I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but there must be some physical explanation for this. You can loweringly feel the deep bonds of friendship between children who play together every morning in front of their houses. |
List (76 Words)
- Laboriously
- Laconically
- Lamely
- Landward
- Langsyne
- Languidly
- Languorously
- Large
- Largely
- Lasciviously
- Last
- Lastly
- Lately
- Later
- Laterally
- Latterly
- Laughably
- Lavishly
- Lawfully
- Lawlessly
- Lazily
- Learnedly
- Least
- Leeward
- Legally
- Legibly
- Legislatively
- Legitimately
- Lengthily
- Lengthwise
- Leniently
- Less
- Lethargically
- Lexically
- Liberally
- Licentiously
- Licitly
- Lifelessly
- Lightly
- Likely
- Likewise
- Limitedly
- Limpidly
- Limply
- Lineally
- Linearly
- Lingeringly
- Linguistically
- Listlessly
- Literally
- Literatim
- Little
- Lively
- Locally
- Logarithmically
- Logically
- Long
- Longer
- Longingly
- Longitudinally
- Loosely
- Loquaciously
- Loudly
- Lovingly
- Low
- Loweringly
- Loyally
- Lucidly
- Luckily
- Lugubriously
- Lukewarmly
- Luridly
- Lusciously
- Lustfully
- Luxuriously
- Lyrically

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