Adverbs Starting with M (List & Examples)
List of Adverbs Starting with M and their example sentences
Adverbs Starting with M | Example Sentences |
marginally | We should be marginally better off by the end of the year. |
morally | It is morally wrong to smoke. This kind of advertising is morally questionable. |
more | Our business has more than doubled this year, and the trend looks to continue. |
marginally | He was allowed to try out for the team, and his talents were marginally acceptable. |
manifestly | At no point did any politician manifestly say they would increase taxes despite what we may have heard on the radio last night. |
manly | Paint will make the room look manly, and you won’t want to hide it behind heavy curtains or drapes. |
monthly | The monthly payment is somewhat higher but has lower monthly interest payments. Monthly household expenses include food, transportation, education, clothing, recreation, and gifts. |
Manually | Manually check the entire match, including the final score and substitutions, was reported correctly. |
maliciously | The board maliciously made the new policy of directors. |
manfully | A good leader will be decisive and manfully take the blame when things go wrong. |
magically | The teacher is magically teaching them to read, write, discuss, and count numbers. |
malignly | The article malignly tarnished the name of our client. |
magnetically | The restaurant’s menu can magnetically attract customers from all over the city. |
magisterially | He declared magisterially that the business would succeed. The CEO walked into the office magisterially, as if he were king of the world. |
mathematically | The answers are mathematically correct unless overestimation or underestimation has occurred. The research revealed that her mathematical skills were mathematically advanced for her age group, and she would stay on track to become a future mathematician. |
maturely | This show was very maturely written; it had me on the edge of my seat throughout all three seasons. As a math teacher, I like to think that math is a maturely understood subject; in reality. The man who answered the phone said his name was William, but the voice sounded maturely like a businessman. |
martially | The child was martially trained from a young age. He can pirouette martially and friskily around the ball as he likes, but, in this day and age, his style is not enough to get him past level two. |
managerially | The new managerially revamped department outdoes the old by a mile. A company that managerially overworked its employees and forced them to work over the weekends so they could meet their company’s quota. |
madly | The client was madly in love with the product and ordered a large quantity. We couldn’t believe they agreed to our payment terms. The children are madly running and playing on a lovely, sunny day in the beautiful playground. |
List (113 Words)
- Macroscopically
- Madly
- Magically
- Magisterially
- Magnetically
- Magnificently
- Mainly
- Majestically
- Malapropos
- Maliciously
- Malignly
- Manageably
- Managerially
- Manfully
- Maniacally
- Manifestly
- Manly
- Manually
- Marginally
- Markedly
- Martially
- Marvelously
- Massively
- Masterfully
- Materially
- Maternally
- Mathematically
- Matronly
- Maturely
- Maximally
- Maybe
- Meagerly
- Meanderingly
- Meaningfully
- Meanly
- Meantime
- Meanwhile
- Measurably
- Mechanically
- Mechanistically
- Medially
- Medically
- Medicinally
- Meditatively
- Meekly
- Mellowly
- Melodically
- Memorably
- Menacingly
- Menially
- Mentally
- Mercifully
- Mercilessly
- Merely
- Merrily
- Messily
- Metabolically
- Metaphorically
- Meteorologically
- Methodically
- Meticulously
- Metrically
- Microscopically
- Midway
- Mightily
- Mighty
- Militantly
- Mimetically
- Mincingly
- Mindfully
- Mindlessly
- Minimally
- Ministerially
- Minutely
- Miraculously
- Mischievously
- Miserably
- Mistakenly
- Mistrustfully
- Mockingly
- Moderately
- Modestly
- Modishly
- Moistly
- Momentarily
- Momently
- Monolingually
- Monotonously
- Monstrously
- Monthly
- Monumentally
- Moodily
- Morally
- Mordaciously
- More
- Moreover
- Morphologically
- Mostly
- Motherly
- Motionlessly
- Movingly
- Mulishly
- Multifariously
- Multiplicatively
- Multiply
- Mundanely
- Munificently
- Murkily
- Musically
- Musingly
- Mutely
- Mutually
- Mystically

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