Sentences with Colon in them (40 Examples)
The colon is a punctuation mark consisting of two equally sized dots centered on the same horizontal line. The main use of a colon is to introduce a list or series.
In linguistics, grammar uses it to introduce a subordinate clause that explains or gives more information about the preceding statement. Here are 40 examples sentences with colon.
Sentences with Colon in them
- We visited this place on our vacation: It was one of the main sites.
- I’m nervous: I wring my hands and check my phone.
- Yay, I’m excited: I bounce on my heels and check my phone.
- I’m excited: I’m on my way to meet with my friends at the mall!
- I’m smiling: I’m helping you check your email.
- I’m so excited!: My heart is pounding, and I can barely keep my seat. Furthermore, I want to run around the room, but I force myself to sit still, so I don’t mess up my ponytail.
- I am going to read this book: A comic novel by the comic writer.
- He did not like any of these programs: None of them interested him.
- This is the person who was responsible for the project: She was in charge of it.
- He has never eaten at that restaurant before: They have never eaten there.
- She is a pianist: a classically trained, Caucasian female who often plays in a local orchestra.
- South Africa has a long history of political unrest: today, its government faces violent protests from citizens demanding change.
- The color of blood can be interpreted as powerful or evil: it has been portrayed as the color of life throughout literature.
- He recommended that I read this book: A thrilling novel by the fiction writer.
- I love food: A lot of people don’t like the taste of chocolate.
- I really like music: I’m not too fond of pop music.
- The walk during which we saw many animals: horses, deer and sheep.
- How to drive a car: the rules of the road.
- The items that can be found in an office: computers, printers and fax machines.
- A variety of cooking methods: sautéing, baking and steaming and grilling and frying and boiling and poaching and broiling and braising and roasting and pickling.
- “I have never met anyone”: Thought, reason or comparison.
- “The man you love may not be the man I love”: Simple sentence.
- I wake up at 6:00 am every morning: I am an early riser.
- When I was ten, my mother bought me a horse: This gift defined my future.
- A woman without her man is nothing: I forgot who said this, but it is true.
- Coherence: the overall coherence is supported by feelings and relationships between sentences and ideas in each sentence.
- The United States borders three countries : Mexico, Canada, and Cuba.
- The boy stood still: he didn’t know what to do.
- The weather: it has been cold and snowy this week.
- What she ate: the salad and the orange juice.
- List items: green beans, broccoli, carrots, and tomatoes.
- Additions to a sentence: well-behaved children, animals which make good pets and bad guys in horror films.
- Independent clause: I would like to state that poverty is not an excuse for theft.
- I am exhausted : due to lack of sleep.
- Brown rice is healthy: rich man can eat it.
- On the contrary: Mr. Jones walks on the beach every morning.
- There were two shirts: one red and one blue:
- The salad dressing has a subtle hint of chilli: a touch of lime, a little soy and a dash of ginger.
- The greatest selfie of all time: that’s not a moon, it’s a space station.
- Breadcrumbs lead to the truth: if you know where to look.

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