Adverbs Starting with P (List & Examples)
List of Adverbs Starting with P and their example sentences
Adverbs Starting with P | Example Sentences |
promptly | We hope you weren’t waiting too long; the waiter should be here promptly with your drinks. |
poorly | We were not prepared, so we performed poorly. |
proudly | He proudly told us how much money he had made. |
primarily | The school is primarily concerned with the learning process. |
Principally | Principally, people will be inclined to buy the floor model because of its lower price tag. |
professionally | This will help increase your ability to run a business professionally and affordably. |
passionately | She spoke about her work passionately. |
passably | I can passably speak French. |
patriotically | The flag is raised patriotically by the mayor in the heart of town. |
pedagogically | As a professor, he pedagogically wants to ensure that his students understand everything he is teaching them. Learning about photosynthesis is best taught pedagogically. |
politely | We need to respond politely and patiently to his request. Remind him politely to follow your instructions for the assignment. |
Periodically | Periodically, the issue of increasing tuition fees comes up again in our country. |
providently | The supplier providently has our order on hand. Providently, we took caution before going for a hike in the forest at night. |
peaceably | She peaceably made a cup of tea for her uncle. The argument was resolved peaceably. |
peacefully | The protests have begun peacefully. They peacefully worked together to solve the problem. |
patiently | He is patiently waiting for the train to arrive. The teacher patiently listened to every student’s story. |
particularly | He was particularly angry at me. Is your issue particularly urgent, or will it keep until the weekend? |
partially | The city was partially destroyed. We have partially processed your order based on your shipping address. |
potentially | The specialist was potentially skilled in working with intense chemicals and potentially able to work under high heat conditions. |
provisionally | Provisionally, the court system is working, but there must be a solution. Provisionally, all the ingredients for this recipe can be found in any supermarket. Provisionally, the marketing manager had to be ratified. |
powerfully | The answer requires powerfully concentrated thinking. The head chef of this restaurant must be powerfully good at cooking the most fantastic food. |
punctually | Punctually at 1:30 pm, the committee met in their usual place. Please ensure attendance punctually at meetings. The registrar had to have been punctually and highly useful when applying new legislation banning certain chemicals. |
properly | Properly trained staff set up and service our systems to ensure no disruption to your business functions. The Wobbler was kept properly inside the building all night long. The child failed to carry out the task properly. |
positively | We are positively following the schedule. We have to encourage them to become involved in the program positively. The other articles are positively written. |
painfully | I watch as the surgeon cuts into my father’s flesh, painfully extracting the tumor. Julia was painfully shy when she first came to the school. She winced in pain as he grabbed her arm, painfully twisting it behind her back. |
painlessly | I got painlessly through trigonometry by taking the free online animation course. On the other hand, the moderators were prompt and painlessly dealt with whatever came up, often in a friendly and fair way. |
perceptibly | The night sky is perceptibly brighter than it used to be. We noticed our sales were increasing perceptibly. |
passably | Partially merged, the new fund is passably appropriate for many developments in local government. |
peripherally | Peripherally, we have seen more and more private companies offering student loans. The barn is located peripherally to the farmhouse. The Internet is peripherally affected by customers’ spending trends. |
permanently | Permanently, higher tuition fees will have a direct correlation with decreased enrollment. You can purchase your plane ticket permanently or permissibly. |
permissibly | Permissibly, some universities already offer unpaid internships to attract students. I was forcibly restrained from approaching the president and reprimanded for my actions permissibly. |
List (194 Words)
- Pacifically
- Painfully
- Painlessly
- Painstakingly
- Palatably
- Palely
- Pallidly
- Palmately
- Paradoxically
- Parasitically
- Pardonably
- Parentally
- Parenterally
- Parenthetically
- Parochially
- Partially
- Particularly
- Partly
- Passably
- Passionately
- Passively
- Patchily
- Patently
- Paternally
- Pathetically
- Pathologically
- Patiently
- Patriotically
- Patronizingly
- Peaceably
- Peacefully
- Pedagogically
- Pedantically
- Pejoratively
- Pellucidly
- Penally
- Penitently
- Pensively
- Penuriously
- Perceptibly
- Perceptively
- Perceptually
- Peremptorily
- Perennially
- Perfectly
- Perfunctorily
- Perilously
- Periodically
- Peripherally
- Permanently
- Permissibly
- Permissively
- Perpetually
- Perseveringly
- Personally
- Persuasively
- Pertinently
- Pertly
- Pervasively
- Pessimistically
- Pettily
- Petulantly
- Pharmacologically
- Phenomenally
- Philosophically
- Phlegmatically
- Phonemically
- Phonetically
- Photographically
- Photometrically
- Physically
- Physiologically
- Pictorially
- Picturesquely
- Piercingly
- Pinkly
- Pinnately
- Piously
- Piquantly
- Piratically
- Pitiably
- Pitifully
- Pitilessly
- Placatingly
- Placidly
- Plaguily
- Plainly
- Plaintively
- Plastically
- Plausibly
- Playfully
- Pleasantly
- Pleasingly
- Pleasurably
- Plenteously
- Plentifully
- Ploddingly
- Pluckily
- Plunk
- Pneumatically
- Poetically
- Pointedly
- Poisonously
- Polemically
- Politely
- Politically
- Polyphonically
- Polysyllabically
- Ponderously
- Poorly
- Popularly
- Portentously
- Positively
- Possessively
- Possibly
- Postoperatively
- Potentially
- Potently
- Powerfully
- Practicably
- Practically
- Pragmatically
- Prayerfully
- Precariously
- Preciously
- Precipitously
- Precisely
- Predicatively
- Predictably
- Predominately
- Preeminently
- Preferably
- Prematurely
- Prepositionally
- Presciently
- Presentably
- Presently
- Presidentially
- Pressingly
- Presumably
- Presumptively
- Pretentiously
- Preternaturally
- Prettily
- Previously
- Prickly
- Primarily
- Primitively
- Primly
- Principally
- Privately
- Privily
- Probably
- Problematically
- Prodigally
- Productively
- Professionally
- Proficiently
- Profitably
- Profitlessly
- Profoundly
- Progressively
- Prominently
- Promptly
- Properly
- Propitiously
- Proportionally
- Proportionately
- Prosily
- Prosperously
- Protectively
- Proudly
- Proverbially
- Providently
- Provincially
- Provisionally
- Provokingly
- Prudentially
- Prudently
- Prudishly
- Psychologically
- Publicly
- Pugnaciously
- Punctiliously
- Punctually
- Punily
- Punishingly
- Punitively
- Punitorily
- Purely
- Purportedly
- Purposefully
- Purposely
- Pusillanimously

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- Adverb of Number
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