Adverbs Starting with S (List & Examples)
List of Adverbs Starting with S and their example sentences.
Adverbs Starting with S | Example Sentences |
satisfyingly | There are some restaurants whose food is satisfyingly delicious! |
sparingly | She was satisfied with her daily life, but not as sparingly as she had expected. |
scrappily | The answer to this problem is scrappily derived from the plan you currently have in place. |
strategically | The new alternative option is to collect good supplies at the time of need and strategically store them there. |
screamingly | I let out a screamingly loud laugh when she told me about her decision. Screamingly loud colors can help organize the layout of your handbook. |
scarily | The two candidates are scarily similar in their political leanings. As you finish your shopping list, the total price rings in rather scarily, and you are left with only a few cents in change. |
scarcely | We made sure every supply was scarcely used during the week-long camp. Scarcely a day goes by without a news story about how cybercrime is on the rise. |
smoothly | The project had proceeded smoothly, but it was stalled at a crucial point, and the delay exasperated everyone. |
shortly | She spoke shortly about her job prospects. |
shiningly | The woman stood out from the crowd, shiningly dressed in a red gown. |
sheepishly | The child sheepishly put his head down. |
seemingly | Seemingly harmless, the chemical is severely toxic to children and pets. The water is seemingly deep, but in reality, it’s pretty shallow. |
secretly | Government agents secretly surveilled the group, gathering intel and seeming like nothing was amiss. She was secretly pleased that she had finally managed to lose weight. |
securely | Securely held in place, the stone did not break. |
safely | When he was safely out of sight, the girl picked up her pencil and began secretly to draw over her worksheet. |
sedately | He walked sedately into the building and up to the front desk. |
seasonably | It is seasonably cold today, and we have six varieties of hot chocolate for you to choose from. |
seasonally | Seasonally appropriate foods aren’t necessarily healthy, but some can be as long as you prepare them right. |
scantly | The state department has very scantly commented on this recent trade exchange between the two countries. |
satisfactorily | The case was satisfactorily resolved when the judge imposed a light fine on the defendant. The recipe can be made satisfactorily without any seafood ingredients. The job was satisfactorily done, with neat stitching and sturdily sewn buttons. |
sacrificially | The company was accused of acting sacrificially and illegally towards its employees. |
safely | I was safely escorted out, but things were not so safe for the other protesters who were arrested. I kept the secret safely locked away until the right time, and then I told them everything. |
sharply | Sharply reducing my spending will help me to reach my financial goals. The business needs to be far more sharply priced to be economical. |
sacredly | Sacredly, sacrificial tools make cuts that are as smooth as precise. The court decided to act more sacredly towards children in a custody agreement. |
sadly | It was important for her to say it before someone else did, and she said it sadly. |
List (260 Words)
- Sacredly
- Sacrificially
- Sadistically
- Sadly
- Safely
- Sagely
- Salaciously
- Sanely
- Sarcastically
- Sassily
- Satirically
- Satisfactorily
- Satisfyingly
- Saucily
- Savagely
- Scandalously
- Scantily
- Scarcely
- Scarily
- Scenically
- Schematically
- Scholastically
- Scientifically
- Scoffingly
- Scornfully
- Scrappily
- Screamingly
- Scrumptiously
- Scurvily
- Searchingly
- Seasonably
- Seasonally
- Secondarily
- Secondly
- Secretively
- Secretly
- Securely
- Sedately
- Seductively
- Seemingly
- Selectively
- Selfishly
- Selflessly
- Semantically
- Semimonthly
- Semiweekly
- Sensationally
- Senselessly
- Sensibly
- Sensitively
- Sensually
- Sentimentally
- Separably
- Separately
- Sequentially
- Serenely
- Serially
- Seriously
- Seventhly
- Severally
- Severely
- Shakily
- Shallowly
- Shamefacedly
- Shamefully
- Shamelessly
- Sharply
- Sheepishly
- Shiftily
- Shiningly
- Shockingly
- Shortly
- Shrewdly
- Shrilly
- Shyly
- Sidesplittingly
- Signally
- Significantly
- Silently
- Silkily
- Similarly
- Simply
- Simultaneously
- Sincerely
- Singly
- Singularly
- Sinuously
- Sixthly
- Skeptically
- Sketchily
- Skillfully
- Skittishly
- Slackly
- Slangily
- Slantingly
- Slavishly
- Sleekly
- Sleepily
- Slenderly
- Slickly
- Slightly
- Slimly
- Sloppily
- Slowly
- Sluggishly
- Slyly
- Smarmily
- Smartly
- Smashingly
- Smilingly
- Smolderingly
- Smoothly
- Smugly
- Smuttily
- Snakingly
- Sneakily
- Sneeringly
- Snobbishly
- Snugly
- Sobbingly
- Soberly
- Socially
- Sociobiologically
- Socioeconomically
- Sociologically
- Soddenly
- Softly
- Solely
- Solemnly
- Solicitously
- Solitarily
- Somberly
- Some
- Somehow
- Sometime
- Someway
- Somewhat
- Somewhere
- Somnolently
- Sonorously
- Soothingly
- Sordidly
- Sorely
- Sorrowfully
- Soulfully
- Soullessly
- Soundlessly
- Soundly
- Sourly
- Southerly
- Southwest
- Southwestwardly
- Spaceward
- Spaciously
- Sparsely
- Spasmodically
- Spatially
- Specially
- Specifically
- Speciously
- Spectacularly
- Spectrographically
- Speechlessly
- Speedily
- Spherically
- Spicily
- Spinally
- Spirally
- Spiritually
- Splendidly
- Spontaneously
- Spookily
- Sportively
- Spotlessly
- Sprucely
- Squalidly
- Squarely
- Stably
- Staggeringly
- Staidly
- Stanchly
- Starkly
- Statistically
- Statutorily
- Staunchly
- Steadily
- Stealthily
- Steeply
- Stereotypically
- Sternly
- Stickily
- Stiffly
- Stiltedly
- Stingily
- Stochastically
- Stockily
- Stoically
- Stolidly
- Stonily
- Stormily
- Stoutly
- Straightforwardly
- Strangely
- Strategically
- Strenuously
- Strictly
- Strikingly
- Strongly
- Structurally
- Stubbornly
- Studiously
- Stuffily
- Stunningly
- Stupidly
- Sturdily
- Stylishly
- Subconsciously
- Subcutaneously
- Subjectively
- Sublimely
- Submissively
- Subsequently
- Substantially
- Substantively
- Subtly
- Successfully
- Successively
- Succinctly
- Suddenly
- Sufficiently
- Suitably
- Summarily
- Sumptuously
- Superbly
- Superficially
- Superfluously
- Superlatively
- Supernaturally
- Superstitiously
- Supposedly
- Supremely
- Surely
- Surgically
- Surpassingly
- Surprisingly
- Suspiciously
- Sweepingly
- Sweetly
- Swiftly
- Swimmingly
- Syllabically
- Symbiotically
- Symbolically
- Symmetrically
- Sympathetically
- Synchronously
- Synonymously
- Syntactically
- Synthetically
- Systematically

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