Adverbs Starting with U (List & Examples)
List of Adverbs Starting with U and their example sentences.
Adverbs Starting with U | Example Sentences |
unilaterally | The Prime Minister is expected to reject the resolution unilaterally. |
unacceptably | We do not tolerate the use of unacceptably strong language in this business. Unacceptably, we were forced to stop production due to missing materials needed for the production line. |
unambiguously | Her opinions are explicitly clear, making it unambiguously clear where she stands on this topic. Unambiguously answer the question, act without a doubt. |
unambitiously | Unambitiously set low expectations, discounting personal involvement. |
unaccountably | Unaccountably, there was no reason for the error, and we could not find a fix for the problem in time for production. |
unanimously | The council unanimously voted for the initiative. |
universally | A new poll suggests that the public is universally against the rise in interest rates. |
unattractively | I unattractively recommend you to visit this place because the service is better than the taste of the food. |
unassertively | As he stood there, unassertively, I was secretly excited at his presence. This restaurant is unassertively known for its quality of food. John is unassertively and unfailingly kind to everyone. |
undeniably | Dave is an undeniably skilled public speaker. |
undoubtedly | Once you’ve finished the game, you’ll undoubtedly be eager to start over again. |
uncertainly | I was uncertainly waiting for their arrival. |
unchangeably | In my eyes, they were unchangeably beautiful. |
unconfidently | Their love seemed unconfidently secure. |
unemotionally | Unemotionally, we will review our options for the new financial year. |
unduly | Unduly, management wants everyone to feel a sense of urgency. |
unashamedly | It was unashamedly beautiful when I entered the room. I unashamedly recommend you to watch this movie because it is funny and a great escape. |
unarguably | Is it unarguably true that students are becoming less and less literate? I can unarguably say that anyone who doesn’t watch your movie is either dead or an alien. We must ensure that we are using unarguably and unashamedly effective tactics. |
ulteriorly | Ulteriorly, the leak was caused by damage to the pipeline. Ulteriorly, I should have brought a coat. We ulteriorly hope to reverse the decline in frog populations. |
ultimately | If a marketing campaign is ultimately downright sneaky, delete the email and forget it exists. I liked the novel but ultimately decided it was not for me. |
uncomfortably | Before going to bed, she checked on her children, who were uncomfortably hot under the blankets. My home is uncomfortably hot during the summertime. |
uncommonly | The party elected an uncommonly long list of officials. |
undoubtedly | She’s an undoubtedly terrible driver. Undoubtedly, the new production numbers have been impressive. |
usually | Maggie usually feels uncertain about social events she’s looking forward to. |
undramatically | It was undramatically announced yesterday morning. Undramatically, the company plans to introduce these changes in stages over the next four months. |
uneasily | They were working uneasily with the new president. Uneasily, we think that our best days might be behind us. |
unusually | He seemed unusually quiet when I saw him last week. |
unfeasibly | The decision was made unfeasibly quickly. |
unemotionally | He doesn’t seem to see the problems others are facing, he has no sympathy for them, and his words are in part unemotionally spoken. |
List (210 Words)
- Ulteriorly
- Ultimately
- Ultrasonically
- Unabashedly
- Unacceptably
- Unaccountably
- Unachievably
- Unadvisedly
- Unalterably
- Unambiguously
- Unambitiously
- Unanimously
- Unappealingly
- Unappreciatively
- Unarguably
- Unashamedly
- Unassertively
- Unattainably
- Unattractively
- Unavoidably
- Unbearably
- Unbecomingly
- Unbelievably
- Unbelievingly
- Unblinkingly
- Unblushingly
- Uncannily
- Unceasingly
- Unceremoniously
- Uncertainly
- Unchangeably
- Uncharacteristically
- Unchivalrously
- Uncivilly
- Unclearly
- Uncomfortably
- Uncommonly
- Uncomplainingly
- Uncompromisingly
- Unconcernedly
- Unconditionally
- Unconsciously
- Unconstitutionally
- Uncontrollably
- Unconvincingly
- Uncritically
- Unctuously
- Undecipherably
- Undemocratically
- Undeniably
- Undependably
- Underhandedly
- Understandably
- Understandingly
- Undeservedly
- Undesirably
- Undiplomatically
- Undisputedly
- Undoubtedly
- Undramatically
- Unduly
- Uneasily
- Unemotionally
- Unendingly
- Unenergetically
- Unequally
- Unequivocally
- Unerringly
- Unethically
- Unevenly
- Uneventfully
- Unexcitingly
- Unexpectedly
- Unfailingly
- Unfairly
- Unfaithfully
- Unfashionably
- Unfavorably
- Unfeelingly
- Unfeignedly
- Unforgettably
- Unforgivably
- Unforgivingly
- Unfortunately
- Unfunnily
- Ungracefully
- Ungrammatically
- Ungratefully
- Ungrudgingly
- Unhappily
- Unharmoniously
- Unhelpfully
- Unhesitatingly
- Unhurriedly
- Unhygienically
- Uniformly
- Unilaterally
- Unimaginably
- Unimpressively
- Uninformatively
- Uninstructively
- Unintelligently
- Unintelligibly
- Unintentionally
- Uninterestingly
- Uninterruptedly
- Uninvitedly
- Uniquely
- Unitedly
- Universally
- Unjustifiably
- Unjustly
- Unkindly
- Unknowingly
- Unlawfully
- Unluckily
- Unmanageably
- Unmanly
- Unmercifully
- Unmindfully
- Unmistakably
- Unmusically
- Unnaturally
- Unnecessarily
- Unnoticeably
- Unofficially
- Unoriginally
- Unpardonably
- Unpleasantly
- Unpoetically
- Unprecedentedly
- Unpredictably
- Unpretentiously
- Unproductively
- Unprofitably
- Unpropitiously
- Unqualifiedly
- Unquestionably
- Unquestioningly
- Unquietly
- Unreadably
- Unrealistically
- Unreasonably
- Unreasoningly
- Unrecognizably
- Unrelentingly
- Unreliably
- Unremarkably
- Unrepentantly
- Unreservedly
- Unrestrainedly
- Unrestrictedly
- Unromantically
- Unsatisfactorily
- Unscientifically
- Unscrupulously
- Unseasonably
- Unselfconsciously
- Unselfishly
- Unsentimentally
- Unsettlingly
- Unshakably
- Unsmilingly
- Unsociably
- Unsparingly
- Unsparingly
- Unspeakably
- Unsteadily
- Unstintingly
- Unsuccessfully
- Unsuitably
- Unsuspectingly
- Unswervingly
- Unsymmetrically
- Unsympathetically
- Unsystematically
- Unthinkably
- Unthinkingly
- Untidily
- Untimely
- Untruly
- Untruthfully
- Untypically
- Ununderstandably
- Unusually
- Unutterably
- Unwantedly
- Unwarrantably
- Unwaveringly
- Unwillingly
- Unwisely
- Unwittingly
- Unwontedly
- Unworthily
- Upbeat
- Upon
- Uppishly
- Upright
- Uprightly
- Uproariously
- Upward
- Upwardly
- Urbanely
- Urgently
- Usefully
- Uselessly
- Usually
- Usuriously
- Utterly
- Uxoriously

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